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After our long, draining show, I walk back stage.
"Great work everyone!!" Rui walks over to me almost instantly and kisses me, rewarding me for my hard work. He pulls away and turns to the girls. "I agree. We all did great," he follows with. I yawn and high five my friends. My itchy costume makes my urge to change and get comfortable worse and worse by the minute. "I'm gonna get changed. Rui, we'll drive to my house after, right?" I confirm our plans to make sure I hadn't missed anything. Or rather, to make sure he hadn't forgotten. "OOooOOoohh!!" I hear Emu exclaim. My face turns red and I throw my hands down, balling up my fists as they reach my sides. Rui stops me right as I open my mouth to say some things to Emu that I might have regretted. "Yeah, but I'm getting changed too." I calm myself and shake my head, dismissing everyone there and stomping to my dressing room.

Once I'm in my dressing room, I change myself out of my costume. I look down at my boxers to see a cum stain from earlier that day. "Rui," I sigh. I put on my soft mid-length shorts and a sweater. The sweater had Rui's digitally drawn face on it. It was a piece of merchandise I'd stolen from one of our workers recently. I sit on my chair and look in the mirror. I start combing my hair and shortly after I rub my eyes for a bit. I hear a sudden knock on my door. It must be Rui!! I excitedly hop up and speed walk to my door, eagerly opening it, wanting to see a purple haired boy greeting me. What I did see was disappointing. The big smile on my face wiped away when I saw not a purple haired boy, but a pink haired girl.
"Can I help you, Emu?"

After Rui and I had broken up with Emu, things had still been a little bit awkward. Of course I still loved her, but her constant playfulness is tiring. "Actually, I just wanted to. Apologize. If I upset you with my dumb remark." I pause. "Apology accepted," I hint the bitterness to her with my stern tone. Apology in fact.. not accepted. "Oh! Okay.. um, great." An uncomfortably long silence fills the long gap between us which seemed to make us drift apart further. Thankfully, Rui saves the day. I hear the familiar tapping of shoes racing down the hall to my room. "Kasa! Kasa! I'm readyyyy--" Rui stops himself from running into Emu. "Oh, hey. I didn't expect you here," Ru says. "Yeah, uh, I was.. just leaving." Emu walks away, and I sigh in relief. I look up at his confused face. "What was that?" I struggle to answer, because I dont know the answer. "Augh, nothing. She came to apologize for earlier." He nods at me, smiles, and puts his arm out for me to grab on to in order to escort me. I wrap my arm around his with a purse in my free hand. The one not feeling Rui's muscles. We walk to his car and he drives us to my house.

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