Chapter 2: Old Faces

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Vi did not know how much time had passed, as she also dipped in and out of a light sleep as her fatigue fully caught up with her. She welcomed the bouts of rest, mainly due to the fact that it meant that it would stop her mind from tearing itself apart over everything that had recently transpired with her sister. Unfortunately for her, her sleep had to, and did come to an end. She looked over and saw Caitlyn still in her deep slumber, Vi amazed at how dreamy the young enforcer looked, even in her dishevelled and rough state. She found herself admiring every small detail of her appearance whilst feeling her hands melting away in the silky-smooth texture of her hair. If the circumstances were better, she would have loved that moment to last forever. However, she knew deep in her gut that they had rested long enough and needed to move on once more. Caitlyn was still wounded, and they were not out of the woods yet.

After gently waking Caitlyn up, the pair continued their journey. Caitlyn still had to lean into Vi for support, but Vi could feel herself regaining her own strength very slowly. Regardless, the journey still took a long time. Vi felt the fire in her legs burning ever brighter as the fatigue she thought she had staved off slowly began to re-emerge. She fought with every fibre of her being to stay standing, for Caitlyn. Every step they took brought them closer and closer, with Vi wishing to be in Piltover more than she had ever thought she would ever wish to be. The scornful looks or maltreatment her kind normally received at the hands of Piltover did not phase her, nor did she worry about what would happen to her. She had to ensure Caitlyn was safe, and Piltover was her best bet.

Vi could feel the early hours of the morning beginning to creep up on the city of progress as they reached the bridge uniting the two realms. The fatigue reached an all time high as they set foot on Piltovian ground, but Vi pushed herself and Caitlyn forward, praying the end of their journey came sooner rather later. However, she partly regretted her fears when the pair came across the street that lay beneath ground zero of Jinx's attack.

Huge chunks of concrete scattered the pathways that lay at the foot of the council building, leaving the courtyard that Vi and Caitlyn had just wandered into to be littered with rubble. Vi had never seen so many enforcers in one place, with some trying their best to clean up the rubble and others gardening off watchful, scared, and curious civilian onlookers. Vi looked up and saw the gaping hole where the council chamber used to be. She examined the rubble and the damage again, realising that a huge portion of the room that she was vaguely familiar with had fallen and tumbled onto the Piltover streets. The sight forced memories of the last time her sister caused a devastating explosion to rush to the forefront of her mind. She could spot that the ornate glass panels that lined the council chamber had been completely shattered, with nothing but large window shaped holes indicating at their prior existence. Due to the dire state of the remnants of the council chamber and the carnage that lay before them, Vi was surprised that the entire building hadn't collapsed.

In contrast to the nightmarish amount of damage that was sown by Jinx, a hauntingly beautiful sight descended upon the scene. Bright blue ashes fell from the sky like sapphire snowflakes, painting an almost picturesque visage admits the chaos. Vi knew that it was not a good sign, as the continuing presence of the missile's impact so long after the initial strike did not spell good news for Cassandra Kiramman's survival.

Just as Vi had concluded taking the sight that lay before them in, a clearly stressed, but still authoritative voice spoke out to the pair.

"Stop right their citizens." Spoke the enforcer, before his eyes widened at the realisation of who the wounded blue haired woman that remained firmly in Vi's grasp. "Caitlyn?!" Gasped the enforcer in disbelief and concern. "What the hell happened to you?" He asked, eyeing Vi with a worried visage.

"Warren I- " Began Caitlyn in a drowsy tone before Vi jumped in.

"She got hit in the head, very badly, so she needs to get checked." Vi stated, trying to remain calm, praying that she was simply overacting at the prospect of Caitlyn sounding even more worse for wear.

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