Chapter 6: The Growing Web

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"It's been great to see you again Blueberry." Smiled Brynden as Caitlyn replied with one of her own.

"You too Bryn." She responded as Brynden's eyes flicked over to Vi, leading to him approaching her and offering a hand.

"And it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance Vi." Spoke Brynden with a smile as Vi's eyes snapped to his hand and back up to his eyes.

"You ain't gonna kiss it again, right?" She asked with a slight sting in her voice. Brynden smiled once more as he raised his other hand.

"I solemnly swear." Vowed Brynden, cracking a slight increase in Caitlyn's smile. Vi reluctantly shook Brynden's hand, with their contact shooting the feeling of conflict she had for Brynden around her body. "And should you need anything, my door will always be open to the both of you." Formally concluded Brynden as the pair of women moved to depart from his solar.

"Thank you again Bryn." Thanked Caitlyn once more as Vi reached the door.

"It's been my pleasure. I'll see you around." Said Brynden as he bid the pair goodbye, with Vi bursting through the door into the wall like she was gasping for air.

Brynden stood in his spot for a few moments after Caitlyn slipped through the door, his mind already slotting all the small looks and subtle tones he observed from the pair into deeper parts of his mind. As a few silent seconds passed, and Brynden's focused returned through his eyes from the darker corners of his mind towards the current moment, he turned and walked over to where he stood before the lunch, looking out over the daylit Piltover skyline. He stood there for some time, before calling out to Jonathan.

"Thank you, Jonathan. Lunch was lovely today. You may go." Dismissed Brynden in a neutral tone. Jonathan simply nodded towards him before departing the solar. Mere moments after the door closed. A quiet step could be heard by the most astute of listeners, and a familiar presence appeared from the shadows in the form of a hooded figure, edging slightly into the light from behind Brynden.

"Harrion. Are you well?" Asked Brynden to the hooded man as he maintained his gaze onto the city before him.

"Yes sir. I've established several reliable sources on your behalf." Spoke the low voice of Harrion, almost uttering the words in an edged whisper.

"Good. Have you noticed anything of worth during your time down there?" Asked Brynden once more, maintaining his distant stare.

"There has been a lot of recent activity around a certain club. From what I have seen, it seems to be some sort of base of operations for the criminal organisation down there. It's quite popular in peak hours, providing a legitimate cover for their funds if Piltover ever chose to investigate into the owners."

"Not that they ever would." Added Brynden with a slight chuckle, with Harrion not reacting in any strong way, merely nodding before continuing his report.

"Activity has increased around the club, which is called 'The Last Drop', with one known as Silco who ran the organisation. There seemed to be an air of panic amongst the people who worked for him. That panic seemed to form around the same time that I saw your guests roaming around the undercity." Continued Harrion in his low tone, still clinging onto the shadows of the room.

"I sense the use of the past tense there, Harrion." Inquired Brynden as he craned his head slightly to the side, whilst still maintaining his forward glance.

"Yes sir, because Silco appears to be dead."

"Appears to be?" Queried Brynden with a curious tone, probing to establish the reliability of the information he received from Caitlyn and Vi.

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