Chapter 11: The Way Forward

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The sunlit hours of the day washed past Caitlyn and Vi like a hurricane, with the pair rolling with barrels of momentum as they constructed their plan to find Jinx. However, at times, their flow came to a thunderous stop, with Caitlyn meticulously picking every detail of the plan apart, sometimes to her own detriment. Vi did find herself falling behind with some of the specifics, but on several occasions, her more direct way of thinking allowed Caitlyn to thin out the unnecessary elements of the plan they were birthing. They were bouncing off each other quite well, all the way up until Caitlyn took a step back from both the desk and the board, heaving a deep sigh as she scanned over the painting they had crafted.

"You think we've covered everything?" Pondered Caitlyn aloud as Vi stood next to her, with the pair's eyes scanning the web of notes and information that lay sprawled out in front of them.

"Seems like it, but even if we haven't, this is as good a plan as any."

"Well if you think we-" Began Caitlyn quickly, stepping forward towards the desk once more before Vi placed a hand around her toned bicep.

"Cupcake, stop." Started Vi, gently bringing herself round to face Caitlyn. "Knowing you, we could stay here for weeks and still find holes in whatever we decide on. This is good." Reassured Vi, with the pair both becoming silently aware of the relative closeness between them. A part of Vi screamed at her to do something, anything at all, but she remained rooted in place as if the heat she felt flush through her had frozen her to the spot. Vi prayed the Caitlyn was feeling the same, and it wasn't just her being a hopeless fool.

"I suppose you are right." Caitlyn sighed as she stepped back and looked back up at the board, with her ability to regain her composure and act like nothing had happened making Vi doubt it had even happened in the first place. Vi quickly tried to swallow down how awkward she felt as she attempted to distract herself.

"So, when do we go? Tonight?" Asked Vi as she looked over the board. She was surprised to not hear and immediate response from Caitlyn, getting only a sigh. Vi looked to the side to see Caitlyn's back to her as she slowly walked to the wall of the room, deep in thought. "You, okay?" Asked Vi gently as Caitlyn turned around, head down as she leant back on the wall, almost as if she was bracing herself for something.

"I don't want you coming along for this." Simply stated Caitlyn, almost as if she was rushing to get the words out. Vi was stumped, as that was the last thing she expected to hear.

"What?" Was all Vi could manage as she digested the information.

"I can't have you along for this Vi" Stated Caitlyn in a calm and slightly reserved tone.

"Why not? We just spent several hours going over this." Retorted Vi as she pointed at the sprawling plan that spread across the board.

"Because I've realised it will be too risky bringing you along."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Shot back Vi in a slightly more angered voice than she intended. "After all the shit we've gone through, how is this gonna be too risky? If anything, surely you want me with you, considering that your buddy Brynden seemed to think a war or something was coming." Reasoned Vi with a slight temper, with Caitlyn pricking up slightly at her bringing her childhood friend into the mix.

"You don't understand Vi, and I'm not sure you ever will." Replied Caitlyn in a matter-of-fact tone, one that irked Vi slightly.

"What the fuck are you talking about? She's my sister." Retorted back Vi, only to be cut off by Caitlyn quickly after.

"That's precisely the problem." Caitlyn shot back quickly, causing a momentary silence to fall over the pair as Caitlyn breathed a sigh before continuing. "Every way I slice it, if I go after your sister alone, one of us comes back in a box." Firmly stated Caitlyn, words that pained Vi to the core. "If I am on my own, I will have a lot more control of the situation. Things will be a lot simpler. I will be able to control which one of us comes back in that box." She explained before turning her gaze firmly onto Vi. "If you came with me, I'm not sure which one of us would come out alive

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