Chapter 16: True Colours

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Waves of uneasiness flowed over the huge crowd that had amassed outside the front of the council building. The rows at the front were decorated by fields of influential names and important businessmen and women that played key parts in Piltover's economy, all lined in their extravagant clothing. Even in the midst of a city-wide crisis where their very livelihoods were at risk, they still took great care to project a strong and powerful public image. As the crowd bloomed out towards the back of the gathering, the variety in colour began to diminish, as many civilians had also decided to attend the address, fearing for their safety, and left in a state of tense limbo due to the lack of any information provided by the ruling powers.

The entire crowd nervously whispered amongst themselves, with the murmurs of discontent chipping away at the foundations of the council building itself, as they all awaited for the face of whomever would ease their fears. Their eyes began to slowly focus on the slightly elevated stage and the lectern that stood over them all as a group of enforcers began to filter out of the council building. As they marched towards the stage, many confused murmurs began to ripple over the sea of faces as they all slowly began to realise that the person that had come to greet them was not someone that many of them recognised. The enforcers that escorted Brynden Seastar promptly moved into their assigned positions on and around the stage. As he approached the lectern, his coat gently swayed in the wind as a light gale flushed through into the plaza, causing a cold chill to latch onto the square and all its inhabitants.

As Brynden approached the lectern, he raised a hand to signal the crowd that he was ready to speak, causing the murmurs and mumblings to be silenced quickly.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I thank you for your attendance, and for your continued bravery in these trying times. For those who do not know me, I am Brynden Seastar. Like many of you here today, I am a simple businessman, who has been called to action to use my skills to help this great city of ours. I hope I will be able to ease the concerns that any of you may have." Formally opened Brynden, with a small murmur rolling through the crowd as the echo of Brynden's voice began to dissipate.

"First and foremost, the state of the council." Began Brynden once more, bringing everyone's focus firmly back onto him. "We have organised an interim council to govern the city during this time of turmoil. Once the matter of the Undercity has been resolved, the due process will be followed with regards to reforming the Piltovian government. The input of the people will be considered greatly when the time comes." Announced Brynden, allowing his declaration to sink in for a few moments before he continued. Just as he was about to speak, an older businessman near the front of the crowd barked out a question.

"And what is to be done with the Undercity?" He called, prompting a ripple of nods and murmurs of agreement to simmer through those around him. Brynden raised a hand in a placating matter towards the business man in question.

"That matter has been the primary focus of the council." Began Brynden confidently, causing an air of anticipation to hang over the entire crowd as they listened on in silence. "We have decided to enforce something of an embargo. As some of you may have noticed, we have set up several levels of a blockade system on the bridge as a precaution. We have also shut down the sea bound ports into the city for the time being, as well as greatly reducing the capacity of our airship ports." Decreed Brynden, which caused a louder uproar of concerned voices to burst through the cold and chilly air. Brynden could feel the volatile reaction in his bones, so he quickly spoke up.

"Now I understand any issues we may have with those actions, but I want to reassure you all that I do understand the level of impact that act will have on your livelihoods." Confidently spoke Brynden as he turned his gaze primarily towards the first few rows of wealthier audience members. "I too am a businessman, so I did not accept this outcome lightly. However, we must consider the long term effects of this situation."

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