Chapter 9: Change of Plans

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Paul was the happiest he had been in a long while as he strode towards the council building with an extra spring in his step. Most of the damage had been cleared up from the streets, but there was still a buzz of fear and uncertainty that Paul was happy to ignore. The blackmail was gone, and he had the best sex he had ever had in his life, and it was only just the beginning. The Zaun situation was one that he could win without any consequences to himself, due to the fact that he knew that they were greatly underequipped compared to Piltover, so any power he accumulated for himself would only be for his own benefit. He was strongly tempted to ignore Sevika's command entirely, as he was so confident that she would not live long enough to benefit from any of his actions, so conversely, she would not be around long enough to find out if he had done nothing to help her. He could simply take a week off and stay in bed with Josy all day and all night, which was a possibility that toyed with him endlessly.

His joyous mood carried him through the halls of the council building, in stark contrast to the nervous looks and focused glances on the various faces that moved around the centre of Piltover, busy at work trying to make do with the catastrophe they found themselves in. The lawyer traced the path to Hoskel's office that was imprinted on his mind, already thinking about how the day was only going to get better.

There was a time where he liked Hoskel, and almost saw him as a mentor figure. Afterall, he had worked for the man for eight years. He had given him so much, and if you asked Paul, he had gone above and beyond what was expected of an assistant. He did genuinely care for Hoskel in a complex way. Who else would put their own neck on the line to save him from a legal crisis that would have ended the Councillor? However, that time had passed, and Hoskel burnt the bridge they had built over eight years when he tried to strong arm Paul into becoming his tool. Unfortunately for Hoskel, the gods saw the matter differently.

Paul pushed open the doors to Hoskel's office and was surprised to see a few unknown faces already at work redecorating the office. The gold and red colour scheme was swiftly being dismantled, with the silver trims being the only aspect of Hoskel's old office that was spared. The large circular window that sat behind the desk remained, but even the design of that was being heavily redone, with some of the panes carefully being removed in favour of panels that Paul could only assume would sport Brynden's silver star sigil. The carpet that Paul walked on matched the deep blue field that decorated the banners, which themselves were laid across the back wall that flanked the large window. The bright silver star in the middle was expertly crafted, with a great level of detail causing the image to almost pop off the fabric, with a slightly lighter shade of blue, that appeared to symbolise the waves of the sea, flowing behind the star logo.

As Paul continued the relatively long walk that led up to the desk that once belonged to Hoskel, Brynden swivelled around and noticed the lawyer, which prompted the ashen haired man to rise from his seat and address the various workers that were dotted around the large office.

"Gentlemen. Take ten for me, if you would be so kind. I'd like to have a few moments with Mr Goodbrook here." Ordered Brynden in a kind and gentle voice. All the workers silently and obediently departed without a protest as Paul approached the desk.

"If only my clients were that quiet, my life would be a lot easier." Joked Paul with a smile as he extended his hand to Brynden, who chuckled at his quip.

"I'd imagine it would be." Smiled Brynden. "Brynden Seastar, at your service." Formally greeted the young ashen haired man.

"I'm guessing you already know who I am." Smiled Paul as he brandished the letter from his pocket and held it in view.

"Thank the gods you received the letter." Gasped Brynden as he breathed a sigh of relief. "I've only just arrived here in Piltover, so I feared it would get lost somehow. Please sit." Gestured Brynden as the pair sat at their respective sides of the desk, with Paul almost taken back by the peculiar image of a far slimmer and younger man sat on the other side of the desk to him.

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