Chapter 22: Remembrance

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The bright orange tinge of the morning sun slowly crept over the horizon, causing blindingly bright amber rays to cut through the structural gaps of the riverside warehouse. Vi was the first to awake, shielding her eyes from the shining lights that slid into her eyes. Her bones were not eased, nor did they feel fully rested due to the uncomfortable nature of their sleeping arrangement, but it was still a tremendous step up from the harsh conditions of Stillwater.

The young Zaunite continued to roam the grounds inside and out of the warehouse, under the veil of an investigative search, hoping a newfound piece of evidence would appear out of thin air. However, the truth of the matter was that Vi knew no such discovery would be found. If there was another clue that would tip the pair in the correct direction towards finding Jinx, she would have found it already. Instead, her mind remained wrapped around the cursed nature of their current predicament. People who sought to help her were getting hurt and killed all around the warehouse that ruined her life, with the fate of her sister's future once again hanging in the balance. A small part of her would have found the cyclical nature to be bitterly amusing if the true nature of the tragedy wasn't as personal as it was.

Soon after completing another search, Vi stepped back into Caitlyn's view, spotting the young Kirraman taking another dose of the tablets that was diagnosed for her head injury, calming Vi ever so slightly. If Caitlyn could recall and self administer her medication, it meant that her condition was not as critical as the dark corners of Vi's mind claimed it to be.

"You feeling ok?" Asked Caitlyn after swallowing a small sliver of water as Vi approached her seated form, slightly surprising Vi, much like it did the night before.

"Yeah, yeah I was just doing another search. Make sure I didn't miss anything." Replied Vi, but her eyes didn't stay on Caitlyn for more than a few moments.

"Do you want to go search that same spot again, for the fifth time?" Probed Caitlyn with a sliver of a soft sarcastic edge. Her query brought a confused look from Vi as she quickly focused her gaze on Caitlyn.

"As I said, I just wanted to be sure." Defended Vi, her tone failing to convey a suitable amount of conviction.

"Vi, for a lack of a better term, you've been brooding for so long, you didn't even notice that I had been awake for the last five minutes." Retorted Caitlyn. Her tone did not secrete a self indulgent tone, and instead remained firmly in the calm analytical pitch that was often uttered by Caitlyn, sucking out any quick rebuttal that Vi could think of. "Is there something else bothering you?"

To Vi, considering their history, it was an innocent question. Caitlyn and Vi were working together on a dangerous mission, so if either one was not in a good condition, it would be of utmost importance to the other to address that problem that could directly impact them as well. After all, Vi had to be the one to physically administer the temporary and emergency medical treatment on Caitlyn. However, much like the night before, Caitlyn's attempts to help understand Vi to a greater depth caused painful memories to try and erupt from within her.

'Why did you leave me?!'

That cry of despair was uttered so many years prior, yet their searing scorch marks remained burnt onto the front of Vi's mind.

Vi sat herself down on the cold floor, with the warm crackle of the waning fire dancing away in front of her; their warm flames fully submerging Vi back into the moment that changed everything for the worse. As she sat down, Vi slipped off her Atlas Gauntlets, placing them down by her side. Caitlyn noticed her distant stare into the fire that soon followed, but knew that Vi was moments away from opening up to her.

"Yesterday...when I said I should have been smarter and all that, it wasn't just about the failed rescue that I was in charge of." Began Vi maintaining her constant stare. However, as she continued, her voice failed her, dropping to a near whisper. "It was about my sister."

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