Chapter 7: The Dawn of the Dark Day

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Ambessa sat stoically in her solar, too restless to indulge into the delicacies that she had come to love over her many battle scarred years, for she knew that she would live to see another soon. She had already begun planning ahead and taking initiative, starring with the conclusion of her earlier conversation with Mel and sending some of her soldiers to assist in the clean-up of the street level debris. Their hulking sizes and raw strength proved to be a great asset to the enforcers, who Ambessa saw as being way out of their depths. From what she observed, most were too young to have seen a real conflict, and the few older ones did not seem to be in the shape that would suggest that they had once fought in a true and bloody conflict before. She had no doubt that many were used to beating unarmed civilians in the Undercity, but she scoffed at the notion that they could resolve the situation they found themselves without the aid of true warriors. With all that in mind, Ambessa sent for Jayce and Mel to speak with her in her solar.

She had some stern words and cold truths that she felt she needed to remind them of.

"I have heard that the clean-up went well on the street level thanks to your warriors. You have my thanks." Courteously greeted Mel, holding back the unsettling feeling that grew in Mel's guts from praising her mother. It was warranted, but Mel knew her mother would use it against her.

"Of course, Mel. Now we can get down to business." Replied Ambessa firmly, which caused Mel's gaze to harden slightly. The door remained open as Jayce walked in, with slightly more breath in his body, but still visibly fatigued, his eyes heavy.

"Ah, Councillor Tallis." Greeted Ambessa, putting a slight emphasis on his title that he felt the need to correct her on when they first met in the sauna.

"Mrs Medarda. Thank you again for your help." Courteously greeted Jayce in a similar manner as to what Mel had just done, but his tone was noticeably weaker, as if his life had been sapped from him and he was slowly recapturing his soul.

"It's no problem, Councillor. After all, you are going to need all the help you can get." Subtly jabbed Ambessa as Jayce sighed, slumping into a chair, with Mel picking up on her subtle prod. Jayce was merely too fatigued to care.

"So mother, you called for us. What is it specifically you wanted to discuss, as both myself and Jayce are currently, and are going to be very busy over the next few days?"

"I'm sure you will be, but the problem is, you will be too busy focusing on the wrong things." Began Ambessa, with Mel sighing, knowing where the conversation would go. However, just as Jayce was about to speak up, the door to the solar swung open. Ambessa was about to unleash a roar upon whatever unimportant pest had chosen to barge in on such an important meeting, but the trio where slightly taken back when an ashen haired young man walked in, with Jayce recognising him from years ago.

"My apologies. I wasn't aware you were in the middle of something." Apologised Brynden Seastar as he looked apologetically around the room. Jayce stood up as his confused look continued.

"Brynden?" He asked puzzled, with Mel following his walk with an equally puzzled look.

"Ah Jayce, it's good to see you after so long." Formally greeted Brynden, offering a firm handshake to Jayce, feeling how weak the broad man's grip truly was. "My condolences go to the families of the other councillors, but I am so relieved to see that you are unharmed."

"Thank you, Brynden." Replied Jayce as his mind went to the conversation he had with Mel over Viktor's unmoving body, trying to avoid looking at her as he greeted the former Kiramman ward.

"I'm sorry, who are you exactly?" Inquired Mel, piercing the brief moment between Jayce and Brynden. The latter's eyes flicked up from Jayce and studied Mel for a split second before bowing his head slightly with a smile.

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