Chapter 23: Ill Omens

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The desk that once belonged to Silco continued to be a familiar sight for Ran. There was no official appointment or naming ceremony, but it was clear to everyone that Ran had been named Sevika's second in command. It was a subtle thing that organically occurred, similar to how Sevika took the grand step up and began her rule of Silco's empire. That promotion meant that Ran was entrusted with many important details that filled Sevika's mind. No one could dispute the iron will of Sevika, but she was still human. She needed to delegate, which is something she was well aware of due to her time as Silco's second in command.

"How well armed are we, not including the chemtanks?" Probed Sevika with her usual stern tone as she sat back in Silco's old chair, addressing Ran who stood on the opposite side of the desk.

"We have made good progress on weapons production, thanks to Silco having absorbed 'Slickjaws' directly under his control after Finn's death." Began Ran, with Sevika slightly amused that taking Finn's life had proven to be one of Sevika's better decisions as of late, and that he had done her a great and unintentional favour from beyond the grave. "It depends on what you have in mind, but by tomorrow morning, we could have enough rifles and pistols handed out so that we can fully arm the two shimmer plants we have, so both of your ambush ideas can start off on the right foot." Explained Ran before breathing a slight and short sigh. "The only thing is that the guys down at 'Slickjaws' will need more time if you want the skeleton crews at the blockades to have enough guns and ammo to man the defences, in the event of either groups having to fall back out of the plants."

"How much more time will they need?" Asked Sevika, her tone composed and focused.

"Well, to ensure all three blockades are fully armed, about three more days, minimum. However, if you want to start building up stores of ammo, the manager down at 'Slickjaws' told me that you'll have to wait another four or so days after that at least."

"Are they cutting us off that badly?" Probed Sevika with a sliver of concern infecting her voice, to which Ran responded with a grim nod.

"That latest shipment I just mentioned was apparently delayed by several hours. It seems that the topsiders have made it practically impossible for the usual size shipments to get through. He said that his usual partners have demanded higher pay and a larger delivery window if we want the same size shipments to be brought in." Explained Ran.

"How much are they asking for?"

"Well, the individual demands are all different, but I don't feel like their prices alone are the problem." Began Ran before cutting herself off, hesitating from the opinions that bounced around her head. Sveika sensed the hesitancy, but wanted to hear her counsel. After all, she was all too familiar with the feeling of serving as a second in command that wasn't listened to.

"Speak your mind." Stated Sevika simply, her tone sounding both as an order but also as a reassuring offer for Ran to take. After a deep breath, Ran spoke.

"We could probably afford all of their high demands, but the money we were given won't last forever. If we blow all of our cogs now, what happens after? We beat Piltover, but then have no money to actually support our independence?"

"That was my thinking as well." Concurred Sevika as she softly scratched one of her bladed fingers across her cheek. She was content that Ran and her seemed to both be on the same page. Her and Silco had butted heads on several matters over the years, most of them orbiting around Jinx. The fact that Ran didn't seem like a 'yes man' but they both came to similar conclusions gave Sevika some hope for the future.

"So, what are you thinking?" Asked Ran, causing Sevika to lean forward slightly as the best plan she could draft fully formed in her head a few moments later, with all the thoughts that had been buzzing around her head over the last few days regarding their production capabilities coming to the forefront.

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