Chapter 5: The Game Begins

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The morning came and went faster than Caitlyn would have liked, and she rose far earlier than Vi thought best for the young Kiramman's condition. They reunited in the front room of the Kiramman family home, with Vi feeling rather comfortable sleeping on their sofa's, with the young Zaunite still comprehending how someone could have a house so big, and how a sofa could be so comfortable. Caitlyn re-emerged in one of her enforcer uniforms, reaffirming that she still believed in her cause, even if she wasn't officially a part of the organisation. However, with Marcus no longer among the living, she doubted anyone would object, especially considering the chaos caused in the aftermath of Jinx's attack.

The pair made their way into the main council building, navigating through the busy corridors that still contained the odd panicked face running around. The only reassurance Caitlyn had was that these faces were fewer and farther between when compared to a few hours prior. As they walked higher and deeper into the building, Caitlyn tried to readjust her focus onto the upcoming meal the pair would share with Brynden. She never had any blood related siblings, so Brynden was the closest thing she had to a brother. So seeing him, after everything that had transpired in recent times; it was most definitely a welcome reprieve from her woes.

The pair approached the solar that they had been directed to, and Caitlyn placed a firm knock on the expansive wooden door to announce their presence. Shortly after, an older moustached gentleman opened the door slightly and stepped through.

"I presume you would be Miss Kiramman and Violet?" Asked the well-dressed gentlemen in a slightly hoarse voice, with Vi slightly taken back by his formal address of her.

"Yes, that is us. I believe Bryn is expecting us?" Formally replied Caitlyn, to which the older gentlemen nodded.

"One moment please." Responded the man that Vi assumed was a servant of some description, similar to the ones she had seen around Caitlyn's home.

Vi stood there awkwardly, feeling as though she should have filled the silence with some words, but the specifics evaded her. She was out of her depth, and she could feel it. Caitlyn merely waited patiently, obviously used to the formal process of high nobility. Just as Vi was about to say something, the door opened once more, and the older man ushered them in.

"You may enter." He formally decreed, allowing the pair to walk through.

The solar looked like nothing Vi had ever seen, and it rivalled the grand scale of the Kiramman family home. The ceiling stretched high into the heavens, with a sea of silver patterns forming a complex web that created a beautifully painted silver star that shone down on the room. Many of the supports that sectioned off the solar into various rooms were lined with ornate designs, all fitting under a rather unique theme. There was a consistent light blue and lightly coloured aura that spread around the room, with silver and gold linings sprinkled before the pair. Off to the left sat a curved archway, where the warm smell of food wafted through into the main area, which sported a large rectangular table that dominated the space before them. Off to the right, another archway opposed what Vi assumed to be the kitchen. It was darker in the opposing room, with the gold and silver weaved trim encasing a room filled with a deeper blue coat, which appeared to be a bedroom of some kind. Vi also noticed a smaller room towards the rear right hand corner of the room, that sat next door to the bedroom, with a smoothly polished wooden desk drawing her focus. It looked to be of a similar material to the various wooden pieces of furniture that decorated the Kiramman estate, but Brynden's desk had a cleaner shine that indicated that it was tended to on a far more frequent, almost unnecessary basis. Vi's eyes then fell towards the opposite side of the room to where they stood.

A row of flowers and greenery sat snuggly in a compact rectangular row that stretched between two smoothly carved cylinder supports that encased a gorgeous view of Piltover. Standing before the bed of flowers, staring out over the sunlit city, stood the ashen haired childhood friend of Caitlyn. He had changed from his first appearance, with his white waistcoat replaced in favour for a light blue shade, with the white shirt underneath highlighting the silver puff tie that slid underneath the vest. He turned around after hearing the door close, giving the older man a small nod as the gentleman disappeared into the kitchen. He then turned his bright blue eyes towards his guests, as a broad smile stretched across his face.

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