Chapter 18: The Conception of Evolution

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Ever since Brynden's discounted offer was made to Ambessa, 'The Hidden Depths' had seen a considerable and positive shift in profits. Many of the Noxian warriors would spend any time they had to themselves deep in the bowels of Brynden's establishment, causing the girls and boys under his employ to really earn their paychecks. Brynden was also pleased to see an increase in Piltovian based customers. He always had a steady supply of customers before, but recent events seemed to cause a slight uptick, which created many useful opportunities for Brynden. Why search for potential allies when they would walk through his front door off their own free will, purses brimming with cogs.

One such "ally" would come to know Brynden very quickly, especially considering the nature of his visit. Spying through one of Brynden's secret peeping holes revealed the young man known as Julius Tariost, who was enjoying the sensation of being pleasured by two young blondes at that moment. Their family were powerhouses in the shipping trade of Piltover, with Brynden having the pleasure of meeting Hensalt Tariost, Julius' father, on several occasions during his time working overseas. However, hard times had befallen clan Tariost, as the elderly Hensalt was bedridden with a serious injury sustained in an accident by the docks, a wound that Brynden's informants seemed to believe would soon lead to his death. That meant that sooner rather than later, the future of a wealthy and influential Piltovian clan would sit upon young Julius' shoulders. It would be a great detriment to his blossoming rule as the patriarch of the Tariost family if it was revealed that he had been indulging himself with whores for half a year, slighting the honour of his wife, who happened to be born into clan Giopara. They themselves were an old and respected clan, who owed Brynden a few favours after he saved them from financial trouble. Julius making enemies of his in-laws could prove disastrous for his own family's standing, a fact that Brynden knew all too well.

Brynden pulled out a pocket watch he had stuffed in his waistcoat pocket, confirming that it was a minute to the hour. This prompted him to slip out of one of his secret passages, closing the small door behind him, restoring its mask as a locked storage cupboard. Brynden made his way down the ornately and smoothly carved lavish staircase that sat beneath a glistening chandelier that looked down on the snug foyer, which itself produced three corridors; one to either side of the staircase and another one that followed straight on towards the front entrance. Brynden made his way down the many steps before stepping forth onto an exquisitely designed rug that flowed towards the front office. As he strode down the path, he spied one of his private rooms to his left opening, with the deep mahogany shaded wood gently being pushed upon. An elderly and suited gentleman slowly stepped through the doorway with a grin plastered over his face, all the while struggling to buckle his belt, as a result of his widened waist.

"I must say Mr Seastar, that girl in there, she was something else. I can't name a single girl that is as...flexible as her." He enthusiastically remarked as he finished his struggle against his belt buckle.

"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself Mr Cadwalder." Began Brynden with a soft smile. "And yes, Kalee is one of our finest workers. You know that she is the only person in recorded history to be able to perform the Khworez split." Said Brynden, causing Mr Cadwalder to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"I didn't realise those moves of hers had names." Chuckled Mr Cadwalder, to which Brynden retorted with a light chuckle of his own as they began to slowly walk towards the front entrance. "If only I was twenty years younger, then I could actually keep up with her."

"I may not be a man of science, but I do know that if you train regularly, you become fitter and stronger. So, with that in mind, know that our doors are always open to you Mr Cadwalder." Spoke Brynden, bringing an endearing smile through as he finished, bringing another chuckle from Mr Cadwalder.

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