Chapter 15: To Light the Way

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Caitlyn and Vi rose in the earlier hours of the morning, with the pair both unable to enjoy a perfect night's sleep from the haunting mission that hung over them like a black cloud. Different thoughts plagued their attempted rest, but the end result was the same; restlessness over what could befall them as a result of the coming trials.

After rising and munching upon parts of the first small ration pack they had, they made their way down to the lower levels of the tree to find Ekko and discover what aid the Firelights could provide them with. When they reached the ground level, the activity in and around the tree was very quiet, with most of the other Firelights still asleep, and only a handful out on early morning assignments. The only noteworthy sound was the crunch of sand beneath their feet as they rounded the gargantuan tree and walked towards the mural that sat as the heart of the Firelight's home. Sitting beneath the sprawling field of art was the familiar figures of Heimerdinger and Ekko, who were deep in conversation with two other firelights. Vi and Caitlyn recognised one of them as being the young brown haired individual as being a member of the welcoming party that received them. The other was a larger man, sporting a similar shade of brown hair that fell to shoulder length. The four of them flicked their heads up to Caitlyn and Vi as they approached.

"Ah, good morning my friends. How are we today on this fine morrow?" Greeted Heimerdinger with a fruitful energy that seemed to be synonymous with the Yordle's every waking breath. The pair couldn't help but smile at his warm greeting.

"We're ok, thanks." Replied Vi before Ekko quickly jumped in with a darker tone.

"You ready for your trip?" Asked Ekko, causing Vi and Caitlyn to look at each other, silently scanning the other, almost as if they were bestowing each other with the opportunity to bail out with some kind of protest. If they had any doubts, it was their final chance to air them.

"We're ready." Responded Caitlyn as she promptly returned her gaze to the conversation, which Vi followed shortly after upon dispelling a small simmering wave of detrimental thoughts. Ekko nodded before gesturing to the two firelights that sat next to him.

"These two have volunteered to help you. This is Samara." Began Ekko as he gestured first to the young girl with the brown ponytail, who inclined her head slightly at her introduction. "And this is Bartos." Continued Ekko as the larger man provided a nod of his own. "They know their way around Southside and the Undercity well, so they can help you out however you need em. They have boards of their own, so they are more than able to fly ahead, scout out an area, then find you again and report what they found."

"Jinx has hurt a lot of us; killed people we cared for. We want to find her, just as much as you do." Gruffly asserted Bartos in a defiant tone, his eyes filled with a bubbling level of determination. However, Vi almost chuckled at his statement, slightly amused at his ignorance to the true nature of her own dilemma with Jinx.

"He's right. We'd like nothing more than to take her down, so you can count on us to pull our weight." Continued Samara, with her words not exactly settling Vi's turmoil.

"Are you sure you can spare these two, Ekko? With the state of the Firelights..." Trailed off Vi as Ekko quickly jumped in to reassure her.

"If we couldn't spare letting these two help you, I wouldn't be here offering you their help. Thank you, but we'll be fine." Replied Ekko as Vi nodded in thought as a response. "And our doors are always open to you if you need anything. Both of you." Finished Ekko as he regarded both Caitlyn and Vi with quick glances.

"Thank you, Ekko. I...we, won't forget this." Thanked Caitlyn as Ekko simply waved a hand to dismiss her gratitude.

"You wanna talk us through your plan then? Ain't no time like the present." Probed Samara, prompting Bartos to push himself off the wall he was leaning back against.

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