☂︎︎ 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲

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in which nicky just wants ur attention~

y/n's POV:

i was working on an assignment my teacher gave me when someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"come in!" i said, not looking away from my paper. i heard the door open and close from behind me.

"hey, baby," it was nicky. i turned around for a slight second before turning back to my assignment.

"hey, nicky," i saw him pout in the corner of my eye.

"what?" i ask without even looking at him.

"you always call me by a nickname or something," he sadly sits on my bed.

"sorry, i'm just trying to get this assignment done so i don't have to worry about it later," he grabs the hand i'm not writing with and rubs the back of it with his thumb.

"it's okay, love. i'll just wait here until ur done," he kisses my cheek and lays down on my bed.


nicky's POV:

it's been three hours and y/n is still working on her assignment! i don't wanna sound clingy but i want attention from my girlfriend! i sit up and start to call for her.

"baby," no response.

"princess," no response.

"chipmunk," no response.

"love," no response.

"y/nnnnn!" i began to whine.

"what?!" she turns around angrily. i flinch.

"you've been working on that for three hours! can't you take a little break?"

"no, nicky, i really can't," she turns back to her paper. i look around her room and see something on her lamp. aha! that will get her attention.

i stand up from her bed without her even noticing and grab a pair of bear ears. i put them on my head and walk over to y/n.

"hey, princess," i kneel down to the ground and snake my arms around her waist. she shakes them off and continues her assignment. i roll my eyes.

"babyyyy!" i sit down on the edge of her bed. she just ignores me and continues writing on the paper. i sigh and plop down on the bed. in the corner of my eye i see her slowly get up and walk towards me. i start to smile as she lays beside me.

"come here," i jump up in excitement and lay my head on her chest.

"i guess a little break couldn't hurt," i chuckle and tried to take off the bear ears.

"ah, ah, ah," y/n stops me from taking them off. i furrow my brows.

"don't take them off, they look adorable on you," i smile and peck her lips before laying my head back down on her chest. she strokes the back of my head as i began to fall asleep.

i'm thinking abt making a nicky x reader. should i?

i start school in 3 days and i'm mad. summer went way too fast.

- temperance <3

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