☂︎︎ 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 | 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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in which five comes into ur place of work~

y/n's POV:

the sink at griddy's was clogged and i currently trying to fix it when agnes walked in.

"hey, agnes," she smiles.

"hey, y/n. what are you doing?"

"the sink is clogged," we hear a bell ring meaning there is a costumer.

"you go take care of that, i'll do the sink for you,"

"thanks, agnes," i walk out with a notepad and pen to take and order. i see a boy wearing a uniform and a grown man.

"hi, what can i get you?" i look at the boy first. to be honest he is kinda cute.

"coffee, black," he replies. a bit weird but i chose not to question it. i just nod and write it down.

"and you?" i look at the man.

"gimme a chocolate eclair," i nod and write it down. i turn around and pour some coffee in a mug and put a chocolate eclair on a napkin.

"here you are," i give them their things and the man pulls out cash.

"i got his," he slides the cash to me.

"thank you," i take it. the man leaves and the kid continues drinking his coffee.

after a minute a bunch of men come in with guns. they start talking about how someone wants to talk to the kid.

the kid eventually takes a knife and stabs the man behind him. i gasp. he turns around and points a finger at me.

"go hide. not a word about this to anyone," i laugh.

"are you kidding? i wanna help," i smirk. i may seem like an innocent 13 year old to most people but i used to work for the commission. i got stuck in my teenage body while trying to get back to 2019.

the boy raises an eyebrow at me.

"excuse me?"

"you heard me," i take one of our sharpest knives and teleport to one of the men. i stab him in the eye. he falls to the ground as the boy looks.. impressed..?

"wow," i chuckle. the rest of the guys began to shoot at us as i teleport behind the counter.


me and the boy had just finished brutally murdering everyone. he began fixing his tie as i wiped some blood off my cheek. he turns to me.

"ur decent for a teenager," i laugh.

"i'm much older than i look," he furrows his brows.

"who are you?" he breaths out.

"y/n, y/n l/n," i put my bloody hand out. he shakes it, not caring about the blood.

"five hargreeves," i pull my hand back.

"ah, you we're apart of that umbrella thing, right?" he nods.

"how do you have powers?" he asks me.

"well i was born on the same day as you. i can mirror you and ur siblings powers," he nods. he walks over to the counter, takes a knife, and starts cutting into his arm. i inhale sharply at the sight.

he pulls out a tracking device. i chuckle. he looks at me.

"wanna go on a little field trip?" i think about it for a second.

"sure," he stands up and walks out the door. i follow.

he drops the tracking device in a little puddle as we walk away from the shop.

sorry i got a bunch of the lines wrong and skipped a bunch of scenes. i don't remember the whole thing and i can't look bc i'm at the dentist so 😐

- temperance <3

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