☂︎︎ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 | 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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y/n loved stars and galaxy's and all that shit. she always had. she never shut up about them. she would always talk about facts and stuff like that. and as much as it drove five crazy, he loved it. he loved knowing she was happy. but recently, y/n hadn't been acting normal. she wasn't coming down the stairs all giddy in the morning and telling five random facts about the stars. and he knew it was because the world was ending. so, he decided to take her out.

"allison!" he shouted through the house, obviously searching for allison.

"what, five?"

"i need your help," she furrowed her brows.

"with what?"

"i'm taking y/n out tonight since she's been upset. i wanted to take her out to look at the stars since she loves them so much. but, i need help setting up blankets and stuff," she smiled.

"five gone soft?" he groaned.

"fine. forget i asked," allison laughed.

"alright, dramatic. i'll help you,"



when the two were done, five stood in front of it with pride.

"looks good. thanks, allison," she smiled.

"no problem, five. do you want me to get y/n for you?" he nodded.

"yeah, that would be great," she walked back in the house and went into y/n's bedroom.

"hey, y/n," she sat on the girl's bed.

"hi, allison,"

"i need you to come with me," y/n sat up, a confused look on her face.


"it's a surprise. come on," y/n hesitantly took allison's hand and she leaded her to the roof.
y/n gasped as she saw five standing there with f/c flowers in his hand.

"five.." she took the flowers and pulled him into a hug.

"hey, love," he said into her hair, kissing it softly.

"allison, would you put these in a vase for me?" she nodded and took the flowers, walking back into the house.

"five.. i can't believe you did this for me,"

"i noticed you've been upset. and, i want you to know that i'll figure this out, i'm not gonna let the world end. but, this is also mostly because i love you, and i want to make sure you know that," y/n smiled, tears forming in her eyes.

"i love you, too," she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, cradling his neck.

"come on," he took her hand and sat her down on the blanket, taking a seat beside her.

"i get why you like the stars so much, they're beautiful," five said, breaking the silence.

"i know right,"

"they're not as beautiful as you though," she smiled and gently laid her head down on his shoulder, slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.

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