☂︎︎ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧

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aidan gallagher

emmy invited the whole cast over for a movie night at her house. as soon as i got there i saw the cast on her couch with popcorn surrounding them.

"hey, aidan!" they exclaimed.

"you guys are a mess," i chuckle.

"alright, i'm about to start the movie. y/n!" emmy shouts.

"y/n? who's y-" i stopped mid question when i saw a h/c girl walk down the steps. she was gorgeous.

"what, emmy?" her angelic voice asks.

"do you wanna watch a movie with us?"

"sure," she sits on the couch. emmy starts the movie as i sit beside y/n.

"hi, i'm aidan," i whisper.

"y/n," i nod before turning to the screen. i wasn't really paying attention though, only to the girl beside me.


after the movie i snuck upstairs to y/n's room while the others argued about the bed of the movie.

"hey," she jumps.

"oh my god, what are you doing up here?" she asks.

"well, i thought you were cute and i didn't want this to be the last time i see you," a light pink color brushes over her cheeks.

"so, can i have your number?" she nods before grabbing my hand and writing her number on my palm.

"aidan! where are you?" emmy shouts from downstairs.

"bathroom!" i turn to y/n.

"i'll text you," i place a kiss to the corner of her mouth before walking out, leaving her flustered.

short one

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