☂︎︎ 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐤 2️⃣ | 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲

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nicky walked into class that day, sitting down and seeing that someone wrote again.

who's this? it read. he chuckled lightly, taking out a pencil and writing back again.

i'll give you my initials, N.H. he wrote, putting his pencil down and getting out a notebook to start taking notes.


the two had been chatting through the desk for months now and still haven't talked in person. they hadn't even really met. unless they had and they just didn't know.

y/n sat down at the desk, immediately looking for the familiar writing on the desk.

meet me in the janitor's closet. i want to know who you are. - N.H it read. she gulped, raising her hand for the teacher to see.

"yes, y/n?" the teacher pointed, y/n putting her hand down since it wasn't needed anymore.

"may i use the restroom?" the teacher nodded.

"yes, but go quickly please," y/n nodded, standing from the desk and walking out of the classroom. she walked down the halls, looking for the room labeled: janitor's closet. she eventually found it, slowly placing her hand on the knob and twisting to open to door. the room revealed only one of the cutest boys in the school.

"nicky harper?"

"y/n l/n?" she chuckled, walking in and closing the door behind her.

"so, you're the one who responded to me," she said, leaning against the closed door.

"yup," he replied, walking closer.

"you know, i expected someone worse. i'm glad it was you," he smiled, placing a hand on her waist.

"me too," he cupped her cheek with his other hand, pulling her head towards his. he placed his lips delicately on hers, moving them slowly. y/n kissed back with an equal amount of passion, running a hand through his brown locks.

"see you around?" nicky asked once they pulled away.

"definitely," she smiled, turning around and walking out of the closet, nicky watching as she made her way back to her class, their class.

sorry i haven't updated in a while. i've been really focused on the jack champion story i recently published.

 i've been really focused on the jack champion story i recently published

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