☂︎︎ 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 | 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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five was frustrated. and usually, that would be normal. but he wasn't frustrated because of the apocalypse or his siblings, it was because his best friend and only friend, y/n l/n, was giving him the silent treatment. you would think this wouldn't bother five, considering he always wanted peace and quiet and hated people. but, he didn't think of y/n as just a person. he thought of her as his entire world. he loved her. but now she wouldn't speak to him. and he had no idea why.

"hey, y/n!" he said, trying to sound cheerful. she clearly didn't care since she got up and walked away. he sighed and sat down on the couch.

"why so sad?" klaus asked from behind, causing five to jump.

"where'd you come from?"

"uh.. you know. i saw y/n storm up the stairs, what's up with her?" five shrugged.

"she's been avoiding me all week, i don't know what i did," klaus smirked.

"awwee, has five gone soft?" he rolled his eyes.

"no. i don't care that she is ignoring me i'm just confused about why," he lied, and klaus knew it.

"sure, sure. well, she's been talking to me, i can go ask her what's up," klaus offered.

"you would do that?" he nodded.

"yeah! anything for my little bro!"

"if anything you're my little br-"

"i'll be on my way now!" klaus walked up the stairs and knocked on y/n's bedroom door.

"y/n? it's klaus," a faint shout was heard from the other side of the door.

"come in!" he walked in the room and closed the door behind him.

"hey, little bug. so, i gotta question for ya," he sat down on her bed.


"why have you been avoiding little fivesie down there?" y/n sighed and looked down.

"he's really upset. you're his best friend, bug,"

"i know.."

"so? what's up?" she began to play with her fingers.

"well, about a year ago.. i started to develop a crush on him," klaus' eyes widened.


"yeah. and uhm.. things kind of started to get awkward between us. we weren't really as close as we had been all those years. and my feelings weren't making things better for me. and i knew they weren't going to go away anytime soon so, i figured the only solution was to avoid him. but it's only making me feel worse," klaus sighed and rubbed the girl's back.

"bug.. you gotta speak to him. he's miserable. even if he acts all tough like usual, you can see that he's not okay," a single tear rolled down
y/n's cheeks as those words fell out of klaus' mouth.

"go down there. you don't have to tell him how you feel, just.. make him happy," she nodded and made her way to the door.

"tell me how it goes when you're done!" she laughed.

"you know it," those were her last words before walking out and heading down the stairs. the first thing she saw was five in the couch, head in his hands.

"five?" he shot up.

"y/n? you see me? you're speaking to me?" she nodded.

"yeah," he smiled and tackled her in a hug.

"missed you, too," he pulled away from the hug and pressed his lips against hers. it took her her by surprise, but soon enough she melted into the kiss.

"don't ever do that to me again," he said after they pulled back.

"don't plan on it,"

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