☂︎︎ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 | 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲

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the l/ns and the harpers were enemies. the families hated each other. and yet, nicky and the daughter of the l/ns were in love.

he would sneak in her room through her window every night to see her and cuddle until they fell asleep.

"i wish i didn't have to hide you," he said as he stroked her h/c hair.

"me too. but you know our families would go insane and stop us from seeing each other period," he nodded.

"yeah. i wish they would just drop this stupid war," she snuggled closer to his chest.

"well, since that's probably never gonna happen, this is all we can do right now," he pressed a kiss to her hair.

"okay," was the last thing said before they both fell asleep.


the next morning, m/n went upstairs to bring y/n breakfast.

"y/n, i brought you breakfast-" she cut herself off as she opened the bedroom door. nicky harper, cuddling with her daughter.

"y/n l/n, get your ass up!" the two jumped awake, eyes widening at the sight of y/n's mother.

"m-mom i-" y/n tried.

"save it. we are going to the harper's right now," she grabbed her daughter's wrist and nicky by the collar of his shirt, dragging them next door.

m/n burst into the house to see tom and anne sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"m/n? what are you doing in our house? and why do you have our son?!" anne began to freak out, taking nicky from m/n and hugging him close.

"i just thought you should know that i caught nicky here cuddling with my daughter in her bedroom," anne gasped, turning to her son.

"nicky! what were you thinking?"

"mom i-" m/n cut the boy off.

"we need to stop them from seeing each other immediately," y/n ripped her wrist back from her mother and turned to her angrily.

"what? no!" m/n turned to her daughter just as angry.

"you don't make the decisions around here, young lady! you already made a stupid decision messing with a harper!" y/n's palms began to form into fists.

"so what if i like nicky? just because the families hate each other doesn't mean we do!" she exclaimed.

"well that's too bad! because you're forbidden from seeing him now, and forever,"

"what? you can't do that!" y/n shouted.

"i just did. now come on," m/n forcefully took her daughter's wrist again and dragged her out of the house, leaving nicky with his parents.

"you're kidding, right?" anne sighed.

"nicky, it's for the best-"

"bullshit!" he ripped himself out of his mother's arms, running up to his bedroom and locking the door.


it had been weeks since y/n and nicky had seen each other. and they were miserable.

nicky would never come out of his room, not even to eat. and y/n just cried into her pillow everyday.

seeing their kids in these conditions, anne and m/n we're beginning to see just how much the two loved each other.

they had spoken the night before and agreed that even thought the two families didn't get along, it wasn't a reason to keep the lovesick teens apart.

with the harpers

anne gently knocked on nicky'a door, waiting for a response.

"dicky, for the last time, i don't want to go hit on sweet sweet mall chicks!" anne furrowed her brows at that, soon brushing it off and getting back to the point.

"it's mom!" she shouted from the other side of the door.

"oh.. come in i guess," she slowly opened his door before closing it back behind her, sitting beside nicky on his bed.

"you doing okay?" he scoffed.

"just great, mom," she sighed.

"nicky, m/n and i have talked and.. we agreed that you and y/n are aloud to see each other," his face light up, sitting up straight.

"really?" she nodded, smiling at her son's joy.

"go get her, tiger," he smiled wide, giving his mom a quick hug before running out the door.

"thanks, mom!"

with the l/ns

m/n walked into her daughter's bedroom, sitting beside her as she lazily looked out the window.

"hey, n/n," she rolled her eyes.

"what do you want?" m/n sighed.

"me and anne spoke last night and.. we agreed that we shouldn't keep you and nicky apart just because we don't get along," y/n looked away from the window for the first time in hours, turning to her mom.

"really? are you serious?" m/n nodded.

"yeah, go ahead," y/n smiled and ran out the door, meeting nicky halfway.

the two immediately pulled each other into a hug, holding each other right as if they were going to fade away.

"i missed you so much," nicky said into her shoulder.

"i missed you, too," she squeezed him tighter, making up for lost time.

"i love you so much, y/n," he cupped her cheek, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"i love you, too, nicky," they shared a sweet kiss before pulling away, staring into each other's eyes lovingly.

they finally weren't forbidden anymore.

my aidan gallagher book is officially out!!
check it out under my profile!!

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