☂︎︎ 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 | 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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y/n noticed five had been distant lately. always canceling their plans because he had a "thing," pushing her away when she tried to hug or kiss him, and just overall ignoring her.

"hey, klaus?" he turned around swiftly in his seat.

"ah, y/n! what's up?"

"do you know what's wrong with five? he has been really distant lately. as if he is hiding something," he shook his head.

"nope. i haven't seen five in a few days,"

"exactly," she sighed and turned around, slowly walking up the steps.

"maybe you should try talking to him!" klaus shouted.

"oh, i wish i had thought of that," she rolled her eyes and stormed into her bedroom. she sat at her desk and began writing in her journal. that was before she saw five with another girl through her window.

he had the girl pushed up against a wall as he made out with her.

"are you fucking kidding me?!" y/n slammed her hands against her desk as she stood up, bursting out of the door and storming outside.

"havin' fun there, five?" he jumped away from the girl and turned around.


"save the "it's not what it looks like!" we're over," she shoved him back towards the girl and went back inside, crying as she ran to her room.

a few minutes later klaus walked into her room and hugged her.

"hey, bug.. what happened?" he asked softly, not wanting to startle her.

"five c-cheated on me," she replied, sobbing into her hands.

"well, he's an idiot, okay? he doesn't deserve you," she sniffled.

"thanks, klaus,"

"no problem, bug. want me to try to make you some food?" she laughed.

"yeah, just try not to burn the house down," he smiled at her before leaving the room.


she turned her head at the familiar sound. there five stood, holding f/c flowers in his hand.

"get out of my room,"

"no," he said blankly, holding out the flowers for her to take. she sarcastically smiled as she took them from his hands, ripping the flowers off their stems and smashing them with her shoe.

"i deserve that," he sighed.

"why'd you do it, five?" she asked, on the verge of tears.

"well, i guess there is no point in lying. i was getting.. bored of our relationship," she laughed.

"bored? how do you think i feel? you're cold to everyone including me and you don't put any effort into this relationship. that's boring,"

"look, i'm sorry, it was a mistake. i love you and only you," she scoffed.

"well, i don't love you. so get out of my room before i call luther to take you out for me," a single tear rolled down his face at the first part of her sentence. how could he be so stupid? he loved her but she didn't love him. not anymore.

"fine.." he slowly turned the doorknob and walked out of her bedroom. as soon as the door slammed shut y/n burst into tears, sinking into the floor.

it was over, forever. and he regretted it for the rest of his life.

[ ✔︎ ] 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 | AIDAN. G IMAGINE BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now