Chapter 11

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A/N: FINALLY UPDATING GUYS. I would have earlier, but I had a stomach virus for 3 days:/ But we had an ice storm last night so no school for me! ENJOY THIS CHAPTER.


Chapter 11

What to pack, what to pack?

Staring into my vast walk in closet, I'm debating what types of clothes to pack. 'Obviously warm clothes, it's Summer' my brain tells me. Well duh.

Walking back to my empty suitcase now laying on my bed, arms full of clothing, I of course trip over a shoe and fall on my face. Ouch... That was kind of painful... Guess it's time to stand up and pack.

Recovering, I neatly cram all of my clothing into my suitcase. Including 7 normal people outfits, 7 dance outfits, 3 swimsuits, 7 pairs of shoes, and lots of jewelry to last. I also had the normal necessities

and makeup. That should last until my first pay check.

FINISHED. Suitcase all zipped up in the corner of my room, dance bag on top of it, I was all ready for my plane ride! This will be so exciting! I love meeting new people and going places I've never been. Although, I will miss Nicolle and my dance family... And my real family. Does this mean I will miss nationals? Big dance trips are what I majorly look forward to in the year. Lots of bonding time over the week, it's like a massive sleepover. I think I'm going to call everyone right now all tell them how much I'll miss them. I mean, I leave in 3 days now and I don't see anyone but my family until then. Picking up my phone with a few tears on my face, I dial Courtney's number first.


"DIE." I Scream at my alarm as I throw it on the floor. Ha. That's what it gets for waking me up at 2am. Wait, darn it. It is still going off. You thought I would have learned this the first time it happened... Nope.

I stand, dragging myself over to turn it off. It is way to early. Wait, today is the day. July 22, the day on my plane ticket. This newly remembered information instantly perks me up. Happy-dance skipping to my bathroom, I start to get ready.

"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready ready ready!" I sing as I do a series of odd dance moves, also known as me being excited.

"Shhh, your brother and dad are still sleeping," My mom reminds me. Oh yeah, it's 3 am... Some people actually sleep. Pfft. Who needs sleep?! Okay. Calm yourself, Sam. Calllmmmm. Oh gosh, even my calm is excited.

I'm about to leave the house for the airport, and my mom is currently saying her goodbyes and well wishes.

"Okay, so I want you to have fun. I know how you get, so don't be too focused on perfection. And make sure you are the favorite, it helps. And have fun meeting your soon to be husband!"

"Haha, okay mother. I need to leave now!" I give her a hug, and then start to grab my bags.

As I'm heading out the door mom shouts one last thing, well, two.


Don't I always? I walk to the cab and then quietly say to myself, "Love you too, mom."

I'm in an airport. A freaking huge airport. To get around I just follow the people around me, seeing I have never done this on my own before. Come on, I'm only 16! I made it through security, now is just the struggle of finding my gate. Where to go, where to go...


I just ran into a person... This is awkward... Oh thank goodness. Relief washes over me as I see it's just Danielle.

"OH THANK GOODNESS IT IS YOU. Sorry about that...Where is our gate by the way?" I ask her, still confused.

"Um Sammi," her British accent still makes me all tingly inside... Yes. I did just say that, "You are standing right in front of our gate." She stands there smirking at me.

"Of course I am," is all I can think of as a reply.

"Haha, you are such a doll! Come with me, I want you to meet the other dancers!" She grabbed my hand and started to drag me over to a group of girls all sitting down.

"Okay, I guess I can do that," I say through laughs because I'm already halfway there, "when do I meet the boys?" Hopefully soon, my mind pleads.

"Why in such a rush?" She winks at me, "oh yeah, I guess you need dibs on Harry right? I mean, out of these tree other girls one may want him too..." Danielle notices my horror-stricken face.

"I'm kidding, Sammi. We meet them when we land. Anyways, girls! This is Sammi!"

We are now standing in front of 3 stunning teenage girls. Wait is that-

"Sammi, this is Jordan, Zoe, and Tiffany."

"It's nice to meet all of you," I nicely smile, beginning to observe my future sisters.

Jordan was blonde, and really really pretty. Gorgeous... Yeah a better word. She had turned around to continue a conversation she was having with Zoe. I noticed her infectious laugh, they both seem like nice friends already.

Zoe was brunette and also very attractive. Okay. Enough with the pretty people. My self confidence doesn't seem to like me much at this moment.

I turn to observe Tiffany. Oh Lord. She's glaring at me. There she stands, giving me death looks with her fake face and fake hair. The bleach-blonde bimbo keeps her eyes locked on me as she slowly unzips her jacket, revealing her 'Mrs. Styles' t-shirt with a photo shopped picture of her and Harry kissing. Well, this tour should be interesting. Especially since I have the pleasure of sharing a room with her.

Ugh, I thought I had gotten rid of Little Miss My World Is So Horrible?


YEAHHH. Done and done.

Twitter: SammiJeanM

Instagram: SammiJeanM

Polyvore: SammJeanM

(no 'I' on my polyvore name!)

Make sure to tweet me and tell me if you read my story! I'll follow you! Xx

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