Chapter 12

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A/N: YEAHHHH. IM UPDATING. Man, that was fast. And btw, I just read a new story and it is OH-MAZING. Absolutely adorable. It's by maia215. SO GO GO GO. I also met a new friend! (She's Irish! AND a dancer. Double win.) Yeah, I know, I have an obsession with other cultures. Deal with it. Incase you didn't know, my character Sammi is completely based on me. Hint hint we have the same name. And personality. And we are dancers. And these are the real names of all my friends and dance family. Yeah, mind blown. But yeah keep on commenting and reading! I love meeting new people!


Chapter 12

One word - stressful. I'm sitting in a window seat on the plane, Danielle next to me and a security guard next to her. It took so long to get here. Tiffany, of course, just HAD to have this exact seat I am currently in, so we got into a huge argument. I, being the winner because I was here first. And the guards and management like me more because I don't complain 24/7. It also may have helped that the flight attendants escorted her to the back of the plane, do her screaming at me.

I was broke out of my daydream by Dani complaining, "God, what is that awful noise?"

I stop and listen for a second. Then I hear it, an off key voice singing, "Tell me I'm a screwed up mess! That I never listen, listen!"

Turning around in my seat to find the source of the awfulness, I discover who it is.

"Tiffany." I simply reply.

"At least she can dance..." I hear Dani mumble, so I laugh a little under my breath.

Oh my gosh. I'm starting to get nervous as we get closer to our destination. About what? About everything. I get nervous about anything dance related.

"Dani?" I ask, hoping I can talk to her.

"Yes, Love?"

AWH. How cute and British. I turn in my chair to face her, she does the same.

"I'm really nervous..." I trail off

"Nervous for what?" She grabs my hand comfortingly.

"For everything. I mean, I guess it's assumed. I'm 1500 miles away from home, with people I barely know. Including my favorite band, whom I will barely be able to talk to because I just know I will be nervous around them. I also want to be a good enough dancer... I'm scared the choreographers won't like me." Maybe I should work on this thing called self confidence...

"Oh Honey, you are fine. Don't be worried at all about the boys! Just be yourself, they have to love you. They will be spending an entire year with you, and soon enough they will all be like 5 of your older brothers. Don't you dare doubt your dancing abilities. You made it here, one of four auditioners that made it. Out of probably around 500,000 girls. So you have no need to doubt yourself."

"Thanks Dani," I teared up as I enveloped her in a hug.

"Girl, we need to work on your self confidence. Especially if you have to fight that one for Harry," Dani winked as she motioned over to Tiffany, who was currently practicing 'sexy' faces in a hand held mirror. I thought that I had problems.

"Listen, I don't really fight for boys. Nor approach them... So unless Harry comes to me, there will be no 'us'."

"Very straight forward about it I see... Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Dani asked.

" I don't exactly talk to boys very well when I like them... Or at all..."

"So I'll take that as a no. Looks like its time for us to have an intervention!"

"Oh no, it never works out when people try and teach me stuff like this... Remember, socially awkward."

"I think it will be-" she was cut off.

"Passengers, if you could please take your assigned seats and buckle up, we will now be landing. I repeat, we will now be landing." Saved by a flight attendant, score.

" Guess we will just have to discuss this tonight," Danielle giggled as she buckled her seatbelt.

We are now walking out of our gate, towards a large mass of screaming girls. Why are there so many girls my age here? Oh yeah... I guess One Direction is in the airport.

Or right in front of me.

Oh hey, that was unexpected.

I look up and my eyes instantly find Harry. Of course they do. He is even more beautiful than he is on my phone case. Well, cases, I do have multiple.

He looks over at me, just examining the entire situation around us, then sends a friendly smile. ALERT. ABORT MISSION. HE SAW YOU LOOKING.

My face instantly turns beet red as I look down at my feet. Time to turn away. I look away and observe what is going on around me.

As I look back up I see Tiffany talking to Harry, oh I mean practically raping him. Her body is currently pressed up against his side, her hand rubbing up and down his chest, one of her legs wrapped around his waist. She is using one if her 'sexy' faces from early whispering something to him. He looks super uncomfortable in her presence. He shoves her away slightly, ending with her on the floor, her face in a pout as he walks away.

Man, sucks to suck.

Dani is still by my side, amused by what just happened. "He wants you, and only you," she teases in my ear.

"Danielle!" A voice shouts. I look and see that Liam Payne is rushing over to Danielle, then grabs her in a tight hug and gives her a long, sweet kiss. AWH. That is too adorable. PAZER MOMENT.

As this is going on, everyone else is meeting the other boys. I being the awkward wallflower, staring into space, not talking to anyone.

"Hello Love, I'm Liam," a voice snaps me out of it. I look to see him looking down at me with a grin on his face.

"Oh, yeah. Hey," I then pause for a long time, because I am already done with this conversation. Oh crap, I should probably introduce myself. "Oh wait... Sorry, it's very nice to meet you. I'm socially awkward. Crap, I mean, that's not my name.. I'm Sammi. Although you can call me socially awkward if you would like to...I'm just not good at talking to people..."

Wow, that didn't go to well. Liam just laughed at me, saying something about me being adorable. I guess awkwardness is cute?

"HELLO SAMMI," two voices scream at me from across the room. I look up to see they were from Niall Horan and Zayn Malik. I really need to stop talking so loudly... I should probably smile soon or something too, they probably think that I hate the world.

"I'M LOUISSS!" Is then screamed by my attacker, who comes running up crushing me in a hug from behind.

"OH MY GOD." I scream as a flail, laughing and stepping away from him slightly.

"She does smile!" Niall shouts, "see Zayn, I told you she wasn't a zombie!"

Zayn's face is horror stricken as he hits Niall on the chest mumbling at him to shut up.

"Hello Love, I don't believe we have properly met yet," a deep, raspy, British voice says from behind me, my amusement interrupted as I feel a big hand on my left shoulder.

I turn around slowly, scared from the close presence of the body. There he stood, looking down at me,

Harry - motha-effin - Styles in all of his green-eyed glory.


Twitter and Instagram: @SammiJeanM

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