Chapter 4

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OMG SO ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS JUST MET THE BIEBS. Now I just need to meet Harry... Anyways here's an update for you lovelies! ;)


Nicolle spent the night and we had a blast! I'm pretty sure we now have a dance to every one Direction Song there is... It's a Saturday morning in July so we have no school, but I still have dance 6 days a week, and she still has her Art Academy every single day.

After we woke up, we headed downstairs to the kitchen to have a late breakfast of salt pork, eggs, pancakes, an orange juice. Nicolle has coffee with hers though. We finished eating, said our goodbyes to my mom, and got in my car. I have to pass her Academy to get to my studio, so I am going to drop her off at vocal lessons on my way to rehearsal. Today I have ballet class, jazz class, and 3 rehearsals. The schedule has also been updated so I made a mental note to check it later today.

In the car, we put in my new One Direction CD and start going crazy. With all of the windows rolled down, and speakers on full blast we started scream-singing, "I WAS SO STUPID FOR LETTING YOU GO, CUZ I EE I EEE I KNOW, YOU'RE STILL THE ONE!!" Nicolle was singing it from the heart, while I have never had a boyfriend so I am just acting like I can relate. We come to a stoplight, and a group of cute boys rolled down their windows while laughing at us! This is embarrassing... Nicolle and I just look at each other and start cracking up.

Nicolle then looked at me and screamed, "HEY, THEY ARE CUTE. TAKE A PICTURE OF ME WITH THEM IN THE BACKGROUND!" Shes so silly. Every cute or funny boy she meets, BAM. It's photo time. She has enough photos to dedicate an entire album to! Eh, that's why we get along, we are both crazy.

We then look back at the car, after I took the picture, of course. The one in the passenger seat winked, then they all started singing with us! Okay, these boys have officially gained my respect. KUDOS TO YOU, ANONYMOUS MEN. I look up as the light turned green, and we wave and drive off. Man, that was hysterical!

"BWAHAHAHA THAT WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME!" Nicolle explained. I completely agreed with her.

"Yeah it was! I wish we could have seen their eyes though! They all had on sunglasses! THE EYES ARE THE BEST PART. Next to teeth, of


"Only you, Sam, only you! Oh here we are! I guess I have to go now. See you tomorrow probably!"

"Bye Nicolle! Text me later! We still need to have our One Direction party!"

"YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!" She exclaimed, maybe a little too excited for some people, although for me it was perfect.

I chuckled and watched as she got out of the car, smiled, then waved as she walked into the building. I proceeded to drive with those 5 familiar looking boys on my mind, and with my One Direction music still spilling through my speakers.


"Gosh, that was exhausting!" A new girl in my jazz class complained just as it ended. I don't like her. All she does is complain. I think she said her name was Tiffany... Oh well, not like I plan on seeing her anywhere other than jazz class. She has bleach blonde hair, obviously fake color, with a fake face to go along with it. Don't get me wrong, I like me some good makeup, but not when someone's face is 3 inches thicker than it should be. Overall she was just fake, fake, fake. Damn you, bleach-blonde bimbo.

Still trying to get the venom of her obnoxious voice out of my head, I replied to her statement by saying, "Yeah I guess, eventually your body just gets immune to it."

I watched her as she rolled her eyes and me and left, then waved goodbye to all of my other friends. Today has just been a great day! Other than the constant dirty looks from little Miss My World Is So Horrible.

I turn and decide to walk over and check the calendar before I go to lunch.

"Hmm, that's weird," I say to myself. It says tomorrow I have an extra rehearsal for my solo with Courtney, but my solo is ballet. I guess she is just cleaning it.

I brushed off the strange event and walked out to my car to drive home.

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