Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

A/N: WHAT? I'm updating? This is so new... You can owe this chapter to my friend Devan, who grilled me all day at school that I need to update tonight. So a big THANK YOU DEVAN would be appreciated! Don't forget to comment and tell all of your friends about this! Unless you go to my school, I don't want anyone knowing from there. Or else you die. Incase you were wondering,

My twitter and Instagram are @SammiJeanM

And my Kik is Dancer141401.



"Well, here you go," Liam looked at me as we stopped in front of my soon to be room, "room 1401. Your living quarters for the week."

"Thank you, Liam, for everything. Cheering me up and all..." I looked at the ground. I don't like thank you's or confessions. Nervous wreck alert.

"It's no problem, Love. Now, get on in your room and unpack. You have quite a lot of stuff," he laughed referencing to my many bags on the floor in at our feet.

Liam started to walk away as I stopped him with my words, "Wait, can you walk inside with me? I don't want to be vulnerable to Tiffany... incase she's in there, I mean." My voice slowly turned into a whisper as I talked, due to my embarrassment.

"No reason to be ashamed, I'd be happy to." He walked up, grabbing a bag of mine, while putting the other arm around my shoulder. Slowly I opened the door anticipating what was on the other side.

I let out a sigh of relief as I discover it is just Danielle, sitting in her bed, laptop in lap. Her eyes lit up as we walked in. "AWH. Daddy Direction to the rescue!"

Liam blushed and replied, "Just helping out a friend. Now I have to go sleep, I'm exhausted."

Almost on cue, he yawned and started to walk away. After blowing his girlfriend a kiss, of course.

As the door shut, I immediately said to her, "Where is she? What is she doing? Can we kick her out? I would rather not die in my sleep tonight."

"Haha, calm down!" Dani laughed at my seriousness, "She said something about getting ice for the kitchen. If you want Tiffany can sleep in the separated room..."

"Yes, I want."

"I hope you realize that even though you don't like her, you still have to deal with her... All of us dancers are going to get pedicures in an hour and she's invited," She informed me.

"Yeah I guess I'll just have to deal with her and try to ignore everything. It's not like I'm scared she's going to steal him from me, I barely know Harry let alone have a crush on him. It just pisses me off, all those things she said to me."

"Just try and get your mind off of it today. It's time for relaxation! Let's go find everyone." She announced as she jumped up and we made our way towards the door.

We gathered Zoe and Jordan from their room, then proceeded to the boys' to look for the brat. We all knocked on the door at once, still dying of laughter from a recent joke.

Zayn opened the door to us, and very soon his eyes found Jordan, sending her a wink. Hmmmmm... Wonder what that's about? My eyes, on the meantime, dart back inside the room and land on Harry. Sitting on the couch, a certain blonde on his lap straddling him, they both laugh as she twirls his curls with the fingers on her right hand.

I assume Zoe saw the pain that shot across my eyes for only a split second. At the sight of this, she said, "Hey, tramp! We're going to get pedicures. Are you coming or not?"

Tiffany, realizing it was directed towards her, looked up at us. Obviously still in her own little world she sweetly replied, "No thanks, I would much rather stay here..." Then proceeded to tug at Harry's curls.

"Okay then, bye!" Jordan said at lightening speed, waving as she slammed the door loudly.

"Are you okay, Sam?" Dani said as she walked up and put a hand on my shoulder. I assume she is referring to the fact that I use to dream of having him, only to have that dream ripped apart the day I meet him. This happens to every guy I like. It could be totally obvious to anyone that he likes me, then BAM. Girlfriend four days later. You get use to it. I still continue to stare blankly at the shut door.

"Of course I am," I turned to look at everyone, "he's just a stupid fan- girl crush anyways."

With those words being said, I started off towards the elevators.

"OH MY GOSH IT TICKLES!" Jordan screams as the fancy salon professionals give us all pedicures.

We have all been having so much fun here in California! This is my first time, and what a better way to start the week than with some relaxation. We do have 6 hours of rehearsals tomorrow, anyways.

"So Jordan, you and Zayn?" I said in a suggestive voice while wiggling my eyebrows.

Her eyes went wide as a blush arose on her cheeks. "We are just friends," she said cautiously, "I've only had like, two real conversations with him."

Her blush slowly arose into a big grin.

"Oh, you've been counting?" Me, still being suggestive. Eventually after having a short stare down I shout, "YOU TWO ARE TOTALLY GETTING MARRIED. MRS. JORDAN MALIK. OH MY GOSH. JUST THINK OF ALL THE BRADFORD BAD BABIES!"

Laughter filled the room, as even the workers laughed their butts off. Our nails were getting to be done, so we were starting to talk about how we were spending our evenings.

Zoe told of her plans first, "Jordan and I are going out to eat at some fancy restaurant! Yay bestie bonding time!" They reached over to high five as Zoe knocked over her complimentary water, breaking the champagne glass.

"Good job," I gave her a look and then giggled. Oh, how clumsy.

"Anyways," Danielle cut in, "I think Liam and I may be going out tonight," she blushed. AWH. Pazer is so cute. Wait, I'll be alone?

"Wait, I'll be alone?" Oops. It slipped. I don't want to sound needy...

"I'm sure you'll be fine, Sam," Jordan said to me, "you have some of the boys and Tiffany."

"How comforting..." I trailed off not finishing the sentence. "I guess I'll just call Nicolle, I miss her!"

"Sammi, it's only been a day since you last talked..." Jordan started.

I gave her a look, "Exactly."

We get back to the hotel, and Jordan and Zoe get changed to leave for their dinner. Danielle went to I assume the boys room, so I decided to go to ours.

I plop down on the bed Dani and I share, and whip out Harry - I mean my iPhone. I tell Siri to call Bambi Baby, then hum a little tune as the phone rings. YES. She finally answers!

"NICOLLE I NEED YOU HERE," is the first thing I scream into the speaker.


A/N: ANNNNDDDDD you're welcome. *cue voice from the girl off of 'Awkward'.

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