Chapter 5

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So I know it's been a while, but I went to a dance intensive last weekend! I got a scholarship there! WOOO ONE OF THE 10! Incase you didn't know, it's a very big accomplishment. But anyways, I'm updating now! I hope you like it, I wrote this like 3 weeks ago... HAPPY FANGIRLING.



"UGH" I grabbed my cell phone and threw it across the room as hard as I could. I. Hate. Mornings.

I then realized doing that made no progress at turning my alarm off, so I roll out of my bed and onto the floor, then drag myself over to where my phone lay. Then it hit me.

"MY BABY CAKES, I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" I apologized to my Harry Styles phone case in my raspy, delusional, half asleep voice. I soon fell back asleep on the floor, laying on my stomach, while stroking the photo of his face.

-10 minutes later-

"Sam, it's time to- wait, why are you on the floor?" My mom woke me for the second time today.

"I- it's a long story" I said, still in a raspy voice, as I roll over to my back. My mom walked out of the room with a look on her face that says, 'my daughter has issues'. I then decide I should probably get off the floor. So I stand up, lay my phone down on my bed, and walk into my bathroom to get ready for my solo rehearsal.

I look in the mirror and stare at my reflection. I'm glad my acne is finally gone. Those were some rough middle school days... Days of being made fun of every day by the same guy. Who now try's to flirt with me, that douche bag.

It's probably time I get ready. I apply moisturizer, then some BB cream. I have to dig to find my eyelash curler, but eventually do. So I curl my eyelashes and then apply mascara.

I usually wear more makeup than this, because I love everything hair, makeup, and fashion.Tastefully, of course. I'm just not right now because it will sweat off at dance.

It then takes me about 2 minutes to put my hair in a perfectly sleek ballet bun. I've had A LOT of practice. Quick changes are so not fun if you ain't fast. I waltz to my closet with some pep in my step, and open the bottom of the two drawers that hold all of my dance clothes. I carefully pick out my best pair of pink tights and my favorite navy blue leotard that belonged to my ballet teacher when she was my age. Slipping them on along with some actual human clothes over them, I sprint out of my closet and downstairs as fast as humanly possible BECAUSE I SMELL BACON.


"So why is your solo rehearsal with Courtney?" My mom asked me as I was shoveling food into my mouth.

"I'm not exactly sure. It's no big deal, mom, this happens all the time. She's probably helping me clean it because my teacher can't make it. We do have competition in a week, you know?" I said the last sentence with a mouth full of eggs.

"I guess that makes since, it's just an odd day. Usually your extra rehearsals for competitions are on Fridays, not a Sunday." She just can't accept it when something is a little different. It always has to mean something special is happening.

"That doesn't mean it can't be today. Next Friday I will be watching the younger girls compete group dances at the time rehearsals are. There isn't any time!" I was getting really frustrated with her. I tend to talk back in a 'duh' voice all sassy like, I'm a diva sometimes. "I have to go. I can't be late."

I hate arguing, but I love to be right. I walk out to my car and turn the air on full blast, because 110 degrees is a normal temperature in the summer here.


I walk casually into Studio A, the biggest one, and lay my stuff but the door along the wall. I'm a few minutes early, but Courtney is already here.

"Hey, lady!" I joke with her as I'm pulling my pink ballet shoes out of my bag.

"Hey, Sammi," she replied seriously although not angry, "you don't need your shoes today. Just roll up your tights."

"Okay then.." I reply unsure. I'm not positive on what is going on. I stand up and walk to the center of the room to stretch. I stretch quietly with no conversation between us for the next few minutes.

I then look up at her and she replies to my silent question with two words, "Improv, go."

Pouring through the speakers comes the music to She's Not Afraid by One Direction. I love this song! Inner Sass Master, RELEASE. It takes a few minutes to gather myself, but I start to improv. Somewhere deep inside of me I'm telling myself to push myself as hard as possible. The song ended and it was definitely the best improvisation I have ever done.

"That was great!" Courtney smiles at me, "I still have one more for you, so don't go. "

This time the song Over Again by 1D. My absolute favorite slow song by them! Anything Ed Sheeran writes is gold. So I dance through my soul, with every ounce if power inside of me.

I finish and then hear applause. Where are the people? I look around and see no one in the window, and no one else in the studio besides Courtney and I.

I look towards the mirror as my eyes go wide. How could I forget!?

"Oh, sh-" I almost swore, but was cut off by Courtney giving me a stern look while pointing her finger at me.

I then return my view to the front of the room, as the door to the two way mirror slides open.


Oh yeah, before I go, something really creepy happened. Just Tuesday my dance teacher Courtney came up to me and said she was taking me to an audition in a few summers in NY for ABT (American Ballet Theatre!)... I told her I don't do pointe work, but she's stubborn and said she would find someone to give me privates. Also that I was going to go, just me and her, if I liked it or not... So that reminded me of this...

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