4 - 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 🎃👻🍬

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"𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙄 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙨𝙠 𝙛𝙤𝙧. "
Words: 914
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Robin, Finney, Bruce, Billy, Griffin, and Vance go trick-or-treating!
(A/N Yes again I know a oneshot that is not time appropriate but like its about to be fall so its fine😭)

"Gwen I'm about to leave!"
Finn yelled from the other room as he was adjusting his astronaut helmet.
Gwen replied. She had her own plans for tonight. Because daddy had to work a late shift he told Finney to take gwen trick-or-treating but in reality Finney would be trick-or-treating with his friends (and boyfriend) and Gwen would be having a sleepover with Donna.
Gwen was dressed up as Wednesday Adams and Finney was dressed as, of course, an astronaut.
Suddenly the doorbell rang, Finney assumed it was a trick-or-treater so he grabbed the bowl of candy and opened the door. At the door was someone in a mask with a claw hand. He screamed and grabbed at Finney's face. Finney screamed and dropped the bowl.
Robin laughed as he pulled up the mask
"It's just me!!"
"Holy shit Robin! Don't do that ever again!!"
"I won't have to!"
Robin smirked.
"What do you mean.."
All of the sudden vance came out of the bush with a camera out.
"Oh fuck you Robin!"
"You want to!"

Finney put all the candy back in the bowl and left it outside for trick-or-treaters to take from and the friends were off! The trick-or-treating shall commence!

"Vance.. where's your costume??"
Finney said in an annoyed tone.
"Can't you see?? I'm dressed up as the greatest pinball player alive none other than VANCE HOPPER HIMSELF!"
Vance said as he winked.
"Okay you self absorbed pricks, we still need to pick up Billy, Bruce, and Griffin."
Robin groaned.
"Okay so we're gonna judge MY costume but look at ROBIN'S! He looks like my crusty nana!"
Vance chuckled.
Robin screamed. Finney was losing it at this point.
"Haha, very funny Finney. Now lead us to Bruce's house!!"
Robin said nudging Finney's side.
"Alright, follow me my minions! Here we come Bruce!!"

The gang walked for probably 10 minutes until they reached Bruce's house. They walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Bruce's mom opened the door.
"Hi Mrs. Yamada, is Bruce here??"
Finney said with a smile.
"Yes, yes! He is! I'll go get him!"
A minute later Bruce was at the door. He was dressed up as a knight.

"Hey guys!"
Bruce said as he did a dramatic bow.
"Hello 'your honor'."
Vance mumbled.
"Come on let's go get Billy next!"
Robin said grabbing Finney's hand and running down the street.
"Hey wheres Robin and Finn- GUYS WAIT UP!!"
Bruce said running after the two. Vance followed slowly behind Bruce.

Bruce, Finney, and Billy live relatively close to eachother its really only a 10 minute distance between each person. Because they were racing the whole time to Billy's house they arrived in about 7 minutes.


Billy and Griffin opened the door.
"Hey guys!"
Griffin said cheerfully. He was dressed up as a rabit and Billy was dressed up as a character from Grease.

"You two are polar opposites when it comes to your costumes.."
Vance said.
"Oh shut it Mr. Not Dressed Up."
Billy scoffed.
The whole group started laughing at his pathetic title. Bruce snuck up behind Vance and placed a crown on his head.
"I think Vance should be a pretty princess instead."
Bruce laughed which made everyone else laugh too.
"Okay you idiots, the gangs all here! You know what that means.."
Finney said.
Everyone yelled.
Robin yelled, the gang cheered and followed him to one of the neighbors door.

They all cheered.
"Awe, aren't you bunch the cutest!!"
The old woman said as she passed the bowl of candy around.
"Thank you bye happy Halloween!!"
Finney squeeled. Robin smiled at how adorable Finney was when he was excited. He grabbed for Finney's hand but Finney swatted his hand away.
"There is no way in HELL I'm holding THAT"
He said pointing at Robin's hands with knives on them.
Robin begged.
"Let's compromise.."
Finney said as he linked his arm around Robin's.
"Okay lovebirds can we go to the next house??"
Vance groaned
"Yea yeaaa lets go!!"
They replied.

They went around the close by neighborhoods for a couple hours before they stopped at Robin's house for the night. They poured all the candy they got that night into one huge pile.
"That's gotta be atleast 500 candies!!"
Griffin cheered.
"We're gonna be living it up tonight, boys."
Billy said resting his arm on Griffin's shoulder.
"Should we watch a horror movie?"
Robin suggested.
"Yes, but lets not have Robin choose."
Vance laughed.
They all agreed with Vance.
Robin whined.
"Because we all know what you're gonna pick!"
Finney argued.
They all screamed.
"Aw, you guys know me so well!"
Robin said emotionally. The whole group groaned at Robin's sarcasm.

In the end they ended up watching Halloween. They made a blanket fort and all cuddled up with eachother.

Safe to say Halloween this year was successful.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐲 ~ Rinney Oneshots (tbp)Where stories live. Discover now