37 - 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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A/N) I'm sorry



I trembled, holding Finney's shaken, lifeless corpse in my fingertips. His blood stained my shirt, my face, my lips. Once where he'd caresse my cheek and brush his lips against mine was now tainted with a dead mans blood. But, he wasn't just a "dead man". To me, he was my lover. My starlight.

"Do you think we'll ever get out of here?" Finney whispered, looking out the dusty window which stood tall at the very top of the basement we had been trapped in for many days. He rested his head on my shoulder, dirt which smudged his face, tear-stained cheeks, and a voice which trumbled and shook each time he even dared to speak, which hadn't been much sense we were locked in here.

"I... I don't know." I whispered back. I hadn't known why, but I was scared of being heard by someone. By that man. So, I stayed as quiet as a mouse. I feared he was listening, and that he feasted off my fear like some sort of ghost or cobra. But really, he had just been an idiotic man, he was mental, although, he knew that very well.

"You must think I'm insane," He chuckled through his roars. His voice stung like poision, prickling through my rib cage as he projected his stupid remarks, watching his spit splatter out of his mouth as he talked. I had nodded in response, whilst Finney hid. I earned a hasty grin in response, he laced his finger tips together as he walked out of the room like a fool, slamming the rusted door shut along with him.

Me and Finney had a system set in place, regarding our sleep. We both wanted out, yes, but if we were going to get out we would need energy. We would take turns sleeping, 3 hours each, one person would protect the other while they slept, then, we'd switch turns. This would be a pattern until sunrise.

Though, through our practices, we still stayed weak. Our bones were of glass, and our skin ripped even at the slightest touch of the cold, dirty cement.

"Goodnight," Finney whispered, his voice sweet as honey as he pressed his lips on the top of my head as I laid down on the mattress that was filled with dirt and grime.

"Goodnight." I replied, a smile on my face as I shut my eyes and turned to my side, dozing off into my slumber. Though, if only I knew that this would be one of my last conversations with the boy im which I adored.

My sleep was peaceful, I dreamt of a tree that in which grew pears and various other fruits from it. Me and Finney sat against the trees trunk, and we laughed, we had conversations about the simple things of life, we ate from the fruits which grew from the trees branches, we enjoyed life. There was no abduction, no tears in which we both painfully shared, us frantically grasping for each other when we heard faint steps upstairs, scared for ours lives every night. Instead, we kissed, we held hands, and we watched the sky fade from a bold ember sunset to a dark night where we dozed off watching the stars shine bright down onto us, the dim light complimenting Finney's figure perfectly.

But as if the gods above were pulling my soul from my body, screaming for me to awaken, I frantically jumped away from my slumber.

My eyes crusted, I felt sweat trickle off my forehead, I hadn't known why as it was rather cold in the basement we were imprisoned in that night, mid-winter had begun around the time of our abduction, and through the dusted, foggy window, on some nights you could see the slight figure of what looked to be snow.

Suddenly, I was broken from this trance of thought, by the sound of gasping and pulling on my pant leg. I jumped, gazing down, in which I saw Finney struggling to breathe,

and a hatchet which sliced through his skin, currently jammed into his chest.

"F-Finney!" I gasped, rushing to Finney's side as I trembled, hot tears streaming down my face.

"Rob.. " He whispered, a faint smile on his face as he grabbed for my cheek.

"I'm... Okay, baby." He spoke through his shakey gasps, I sobbed shaking my head and repeatedly saying "No, no, no!" as my heart throbbed, remorse for my hurt lover.

"You're not oka-.." I whispered, but to be interrupted by Finney's finger tip against my lip. "Shhh," He beckoned, his voice began to quieten, and the light in his eyes began to dim.

"You can't leave me, my precious." I trembled, holding on tight to his hand.

"I have to." He replied, his smile completely gone, his voice much more quiet than before.

"He got me, Rob." Finney added, a sad, fake chuckle which throbbed off his vocal cords in some sort of attempt to heal my wounded soul.

We sat in silence for a moment, the only noise being Finney's rapid breathing and my sobbing.

"Goodnight, my love." Finney suddenly said, oh so quiet as his grip on my hand weakened, his hand was completely limp.

"I love you, Finn." I whispered in his ear, kissing the side of his head as I cried silently.

"I love.." He managed to get out, but he had went silent after that, his whole body froze, he had become limp and his eyes looked of porcelain, dead inside.

My love had left me, I sighed, my breath shaking as I stood.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I shouted, punching the cement walls that imprisoned the two of us. Blood started to stain the cement, and the skin which laced my knuckles began to crackle, blood seeping from its openings. I hissed in pain, looking down at the floor and shaking my hand, I imagined that if I shook it enough, everything would go numb.

I looked at the door, its stupid sea green color and it's brown rust which spread all over. I sighed, but, when I focused right beside the door, I had noticed an object which layed on the floor. I approached it, a nervousness which filled my gut, but I bent down and grabbed it with my weak hands.

I studied it, it had been apart of the Grabber's mask. I began to sob, breaking the mask into small fragments in my palm, some fragments would stab my palm, which made me wince. I held the fragments deep and close to my heart, exhaling in exhaustion and pain.

I imagined Finney at that tree, the tree with the various fruits, he was happy as he watched the sunrise, and he said he would wait every day for me to arrive at the tree too, so we could be happy oncemore.

My vision went blurry, I closed my eyes as I fell to the floor, passing out with the fragments still clutched in my palm.

I'm v happy to say I have started an IT oneshot series.... first time posting writing that isnt tbp related v nervous!!

Maybe expect a change in direction maybe dont, but I'm really interested in branching out more with what I write and making a slight change in my direction

tbh i might start writing about Young Royales or Chucky.. idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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