12 - 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 🍷

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"𝘼𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙧𝙪𝙗𝙮. "
words: 698
genre: fluff


3rd POV:

Finney has been wanting a bit of a change in his appearance. Robin and Finney have known eachother for awhile now, and have been dating too. But Robin has changed alot since they first met in Math class. Robin's hairs longer and wavier, it goes down to exactly the middle of his back now. His face is more sharp and he doesn't wear his bandana as much anymore. Hes taller than before, maybe 3 inches taller?

Finney's POV:

Yet, I'm still the same. My hairs curly and a golden brown. I've grown maybe an inch and my styles the same. Everything about me is the same.

Robin has mentioned before he thought my hair would look good a dark wine red. I never really thought about it but maybe he was right. He's started a bit of a hustle where he dyes, cuts and styles peoples hair for extra dollars and hes really good at it too. So, I shot him a text.

Hey babe!

Hey bby 🙂 Whats up?

I think I want you to dye my hair.. Can you?

Of course Mi Amor <3 What color?

<3 The color you suggested b4, dark red?


My house? At 4?

Sure baby❤.

3rd POV:

Finney put his phone down and waited for the clock to hit 4. After 30 minutes it was 4PM and Robin walked into Finney's house. Robin was over so often that he didn't really knock at the door anymore, he just kinda lets himself in now.

Robin opened Finney's bedroom door and smiled at the boy sitting on his floor right next to his bed.

"Hello, hello, beautiful"
Robin said kissing the top of Finney's head and sitting down next to the boy.

"Ready to dye your hair?"
Robin asked, ruffling Finney's hair which made Finney squint his eyes closed.

Finney replied.

"Okay, let's go!"
Robin said, standing up and helping Finney get up too. They walked to the bathroom. Robin set a bag on the counter and pulled out a bottle of Wine Red Hair Dye and a hair dye applicator.

"Baby can you sit down for me?"
Robin asked, kissing Finney's cheek. Finney nodded and jumped onto the counter, sitting on it.

Robin squirted the dye into a bowl, mixing the dye with the end of the applicator.

"Okay, ready?"
Robin asked.
Robin dipped the applicator into the bowl and started brushing the dye into Finney's hair and scalp.

"Ah, it's cold"
Finney whined.

"I'm sorry Mi Amor"
Robin said as he lifted a layer of the boys hair up, brushing more of the dye into his hair

after about 10 minutes Robin was done. He put a bag over Finney's scalp and kissed his cheek. Finney's cheeks started to heat up at Robin's action and Robin sweetly smiled at him.

"Okay we have to wait about 20 minutes for the dye to develop.. Wanna watch something while we wait?"
Robin asked.

Finney replied.

They went into the living room and watched TV for a bit, waiting for Finney's dye to develop.

"Okay I think it should be ready now,"
Robin said pulling Finney up from the couch and walking him to the bathroom.

Robin turned on the bathtub, water started gushing out of the faucet.

"Okay you're gonna have to put your head under the faucet so I can wash this out, okay?"
Robin said, making sure Finney was comfortable with it.

Finney replied, dipping his head under the faucet and closing his eyes tightly. Robin started massaging the dye out of Finney's scalp. Finney was kind of enjoying Robin's touch.

The water started turning red from the dye, and soon enough, Robin was done washing the dye out of his hair. He turned the faucet off and put a towel on Finney's head.

They let it sit in the towel for a bit and then used a hairdryer to dry it quickly.

"Your hair looks cute wine red."

"shut up you dork."

A/N I lowkey hate this and I'm probably gonna rewrite it at some point😿

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