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I stated this in my new fanfic but because I doubt any of you saw it who are interested in my rinney content (because, well, my new fanfic isnt rinney or tbp related at all), I'd just like to let you know that I have left tbp fandom entirely and dont associate myself with it at all. Why? No particular reason! Just didnt like the movie anymore . . . I'm just moving to different things in my life. I'm done writing tbp content and am gonna start writing about other things now instead.
And before you ask, yes, the "Shadow" remaster will still possibly happen. Just not soon, maybe after I finish 'The Difference Between You'. I have a lot of drafts related to tbp so I might end up posting those too as a final send off
I felt kind of hesitant to fully stop writing tbp because it was what most of my readers liked and its what got the most attention, and I was afraid that I was gonna lose a lot of people by stopping, but then I realized I don't need to put my energy towards that worry and I just need to do what I want to do. So this is what I wanna do! I remember like towards the end of my interest in tbp (kind of about when Shadow ended) I would write and write and just be like "this isn't interesting to me." So thats when I decided I'd be done. And I know the fandom is already pretty dead, but I just wanted to let all of you guys know that I was done.
So you may be wondering: well Milo, what are you writing now? I'm gonna be writing whatever I want!! But for now, I'm currently writing a The Outsiders fic 🤭 jus gonna go with the flow from now on

P.S ) all of my rinney content and other tbp content will still be up on my page to read im not deleting anything

Thank you for reading

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