33 - 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 🍿

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a/n) I've been writing for probably hours now so take this as a 'cooldown' oneshot to finish off my night


"Buy whatever you want." Robin said to Finney as they walked into the grocery to buy snacks for their Movie date which would take place at Robin's home.

"Oh, so I can buy the whole store?" Finney said, chuckling, which made Robin chuckle too. 

"Well, not the whole store you idiot." Robin laughed, taking his available hand that wasn't holding Finney's and ruffling his head of hair, or, what Finney would call it, his 'luscious locks'.

They walked down isle 8: the chip isle, grabbing popcorn and Hot Cheetos. "Should we get other chips, too?" Robin asked, looking around the isle for other things to grab.

"You act like we're having a feast, my love." Finney chuckled, trying to tug Robin towards a different isle.

"I just like variety." Robin jokingly scoffed, but allowing to let Finney take him wherever he was intending to go; thus being the candy isle. 

The two grabbed so much candy and sodas, their arms were full. Finney insisted to grab a cart before they entered the store but Robin had claimed they wouldn't need it. 

"What's the occasion?" The cashier asked as she scanned all the snacks, trying to make small talk. 

"Movie night." Finney answered, tightening his grasp on his boyfriends hand. Finney had social anxiety-- he tries to get over it or ignore it but it just seems to never go away. Robin could see the nervousness on Finney's face, so, he took over.

"Oh! What movie?" The woman asked, a sweet smile on her face.

"We haven't decided quite yet. Probably Texas Chainsaw Massacre, though." Robin said, returning the smile.

"Ooh! Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a classic! Takes me back." She chuckled, the woman was elderly, she said it was a movie she enjoyed watching as a young girl. 

"It never gets old!" Robin laughed with the woman, sensing the glare Finney was giving Robin. Finney was incredibly tired of the same movie every movie date-- although, once they watched Finding Nemo.

"Right!" She said, pulling the receipt from the machine and handing it to Robin.

"Thanks for you're purchases, you two have a good night." She smiled as the two walked away.

"Holy shit! 150 dollars?! Robin that's absurd!" Finney said loudly out of shock as they sat in Robin's car, even Robin was surprised by the total.

"Shit.. Hah, oops." He answered sarcastically as he pulled into the driveway of his house, turning the car off and pulling the keys from the ignition. 

He opened the door for Finney, who dragged himself inside. It had gotten late. The door creaked as Robin closed it, entering his home. The house was dark, only a lamp lighting up the living room. The two walked to the couch, sitting down as Finney rested his head on Robin's shoulder.

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Again?" Finney grumbled, snuggling into a blanket that was rested on the couch.

"Mhm!" Robin replied happily, turning the movie on. The intro began, which, like always, freaked Finney out.

The movie continued, Finney ended up jumping a couple times and letting out small shrieks, just for Robin to comfort him, but then Finney went quiet.

"Finney?" Robin asked, a soda in hand, as he hadn't talked for awhile. When he got no response, he looked down, to see Finney passed out on his shoulder. Robin chuckled, pressing a kiss on Finney's head and laying down on the couch, pulling Finney down with him to snuggle.

Robin eventually too fell asleep, not finishing the movie and forgetting to put all of the snacks away.

Finney woke up to himself snuggled onto Robin's chest, and the credits playing.


a/n) im gonna let one of my guinea pigs write an author note

Bear's A/N) 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666b 76kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkio

(great job bb hype her up in the comments)

here's a pic of Bear :)

(idk why it's rotated like that)

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(idk why it's rotated like that)

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