11 - 𝐋𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫☀️

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"𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙄 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜. "

Words: 653
Genre: Fluff, a tad bit of angst?

Robin's POV:

It was another one of those days. Another day of Finney going into a depressive episode, locking everyone out of his lives with a key and throwing it out. I really cared for him, and it hurt me to see him like this. Somethings seriously wrong, and I wish he had the courage to talk to me about these things. When he tries he just sobs into my arms and apologizes over and over, I sit there and hold him as my eyes water a bit too because of how pained my heart feels to see him like this.

I decided I'd try to make his day a bit better, I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes, heading out the door. I got on my bike and started peddling away, towards a nearby field.

3rd POV:

When he arrived the sun started to set, he rested his bike on a tree and started walking down the miniature hill he was on. He started picking Lavender stems and bunching up the flowers in his hand. When he had around 25 of said flowers, he wrapped them together with twine and tied a bow to seal them together. He plopped the flowers into his bag and started walking back up the hill, to set off on the road once again.

This time, his destination was Finney's house.

Finney's POV:

I feel so useless. Maybe Matty was right, maybe I am just a "stupid fag", or a freak, or a loser. I think I am all of the above. What if everyones lying to me? What if nobody actually likes me, or actually wants to be my friend? People are only apart of my life because they feel bad for me.

I turned so I was facing the wall and I pulled the blanket on my bed over my body, I remember sobbing into my pillow and just wanting to disappear from this horrible excuse of an earth.

I was alone. Alone in my dark room. My only company was my thoughts.

I was starting to doze off but when I heard a soft knock, I turned over and saw Robin there with a sad frown seeing the condition I was in.

3rd POV:

Finney walked over to his window and opened it for Robin. Robin slipped inside and the first thing he did was snake his arms around Finney's waist, resting his chin on the top of Finney's head of soft curls.

Finney was wearing a dark blue oversized hoodie and shorts. His eyes we're red and puffy, you could see the pain in his eyes.

Finney and Robin stood there for awhile, just enjoying each other's embrace. After awhile they moved to Finney's bed. They were sitting right next to each other, Finney was resting his head on Robin's shoulder. Robin asked if he wanted to talk about it, but Finney said he didn't want to so Robin respected his choice.

"I brought you something."
Robin said, drawing circles on the middle of Finney's back. He saw Finney's face light up a bit. Finney loved when Robin gave him presents, even tiny, simple ones.

Robin stood up and opened his backpack, he pulled a Lavender Boquet out of his bag and gave Finney the Boquet. The smell of the lavender hit the room almost immediately, it made the room smell heavenly.

"These are beautiful, thank you babe"
Finney said, looking down with a smile admiring his gift.

"Not as beautiful as you, Mi Amor."
Robin said, kissing Finney's hand and holding onto it tight.

Robin ended up staying the night to make sure Finney was okay. He made breakfast for him the next morning and they cuddled and just loved each other all day, and all night.

Finney was going to be okay.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐲 ~ Rinney Oneshots (tbp)Where stories live. Discover now