13 - 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 🥂

2.6K 51 112

Words: 1836
Genre: Angst, I don't know??


Finney's POV:

For whatever reason, Matty invited me to his party. It was a party in celebration of his 14th birthday. Why would he invite the person he hates the most?

Donna and Matty started dating recently. I am happy for Donna but why him? Why Matty? She knows what hes done to me. This has kinda forced me into being nice to Matty. When me and Donna are talking as usual and Matty walks up behind her and snakes his arms around her waist, he gives me this nasty stare. I pretend I don't see it but his eyes are like knives. When he glares, he wounds me.

His party was tonight. The whole school was going to be there. Well, atleast, the whole school was invited. I can't guarantee everyone will come because people don't really like Matty (for a good reason). But me, Gwen, and Robin would be going all together and I'm assuming our other friends would be there too because we did talk about this party at school today.

The clock hit 8, me and Gwen were out the door on our way to the place Matty had reserved for this party. He rented out a whole empty mansion for this party. Guess his parents are abunch of snobby rich pricks?

"You excited for the party, Finnster?"
Gwen said knudging my elbow.

"No, not really"
I replied, looking down at her with a smile you could barely see from the darkness around us.

"Then why are we going?!"
Gwen replied, groaning and kicking a rock off the curb into the road.

"Because, because I guess I need to go to atleast one party before my Middle School experience is over. Plus what could go wrong?"
I replied, cracking my knuckles. Gwen shrugged at my question.

"I mean what CAN'T go wrong? We're talking about Matty here. You know what hes done to you in the past!"
Gwen said playfully.

"Obviously I know what hes done to me, Gwen. I was there, remember?"
I replied with an annoyed tone. This made Gwen laugh.

"Hey Finney..?"


"Do you think Daddy's gonna be.. mad at us for going to this party?"
Gwen said nervously

"Ha, no! For all he knows he thinks we're all at Vance's."
I said trying to comfort Gwen. She returned me a nervous smile.

3rd POV:

As Finney and Gwen were walking up to the mansions front door, they noticed the loud music and screaming flooding the whole neighborhood. Kids were outside drinking fruit punch and dancing, making out, and whatever teens their age did. But they also noticed Robin sitting on the steps, alone and seemingly bored.

Finney yelled smiling and waving towards him. Robin jolted up at Finney screaming his name like that but he immediately ran up to Finney, hugging him tight and leaving a trail of kisses along his jaw.

"You know I'm still here guys.."
Gwen said, clearly grossed out.

"Sorry Gwen, hey how are you?"
Robin said giving Gwen a hug too. Gwen and Robin were fairly close, Finney liked that. Gwen tightly hugged back.

"Thanks Robin, I'm good!"
She replied, pulling away from Robin.

"Should we go inside?"
Finney asked.

Gwen replied, running inside.

They walked inside and immediately it was so, so loud. The noises lf screaming, music, cheering, and singing combined into one ocean of sounds flooding the trio's ears.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐲 ~ Rinney Oneshots (tbp)Where stories live. Discover now