34 - 𝐀 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬🕯

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a/n) Idk why I have such a thing with writing scenarios in which two characters are in the rain together. help.

also help totally out of character Robin moment?!?!?!?!

words: 679


Rain trickled from the sky, leaving puddles of rain water along the aged, broken down curb Finney walked on every day. Except, he had been at the time walking down this curb on a foggy night in April, his shoes clacking and splashing against the cement as he hummed the tune of the song that played in his tangled earbuds. 

But, out of nowhere, he felt a rough hand on his jackets shoulder, which made him jump at the feeling of. 

"Hey Finney." The person spoke, a cheesy keen smirk painted on his lips.

"Robin, shit! You scared me!" Finney whaled, shaking his head in disapproval. 

Robin was what people called a 'weird kid'. He hadn't had many friends, and was considered a 'social outcast'. He lived with his uncle, mom, and cat across the street from Finney's house -- he had been living there for as long as Finney could remember. Though living so close and seeing each other practically every day, the two rarely spoke, besides walking to or from school together every now and then. Finney really liked Robin, the two weren't that different in all truth. As Finney too, would sometimes be called mean things -- thus including 'the weird kid'. This shared trait was something that lured Robin into Finney's heart, Finney had a crush.

"Sorry.. Hah." Robin chuckled, looking up and squinting his eyes, sticking his tongue out as the rain trickled from the sky painting his face and plopping onto his tongue. Finney laughed at Robin's banter, playfully shoving Robin, making Robin laugh too. Finney never realized how well the two clicked. Robin began to walk, nudging Finney to follow - so he did. 

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" Robin asked, admiring the fogged over night sky.

"Yeah, it's why I'm out here actually." Finney responded, smiling at Robin's beauty. 

"Why are you out here this late, anyways?" Finney then added after a moment of silence, pausing in his tracks and kicking a pebble from the cement into the busy stream of water that trickled beside the cement the two walked on. Robin paused to, hesitant to speak his truth. Robin sighed, then began to speak.

"I wanted to see you, actually." He mumbled, a cheesy smile painted on his face.

"Me? Why?" Finney said, in a way startled as he could feel his face begin to heat up. 

"I like your presence." Robin spoke even quieter than before as he avoided eye contact with Finney. Finney nodded, continuing to walk. 'Shit, nice work, Robin.' Robin would say to himself in absolute defeat that he could not bundle up the courage to tell Finney his truth, that he liked Finney.

'I like, no, LOVE, you Finney! Marry me!" Robin imagined himself saying, but Robin being the dork he is, it came out creepy. 'Great, now Finney thinks I'm a serial killer.' Robin thought to himself once more. Robin began to quickly walk, trying to catch up to Finney who thought Robin was right behind him.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Finney said, walking up his homes steps, the aged wood creaking under his soaked shoes.

"Finney, wait." Robin frantically shouted from afar, making Finney pause and turn around.

"Yeah?" Finney asked, puzzled.

'Here we go Robin, no turning around, no bullshit.' Robin would say to himself, trying to give himself a tad bit of courage as he walked up the steps, standing next to Finney as his long hair dripped with water.

Robin pressed his lips against Finney's, his lanky figure tense -- but so was Finney's. The tension soon loosened, Finney wrapping his arms behind Robin's neck, Robin resting his hands on Finney's waist as all the two could hear was rain trickling and the sounds of a true loves kiss.

"I like you, too." Finney whispered as the kiss broke, a blushed smile across his face.


a/n) im so single.

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