Arriving in France!

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"He's just editing my VOD guys" Y/n laugh-said to his camera, after all he was vloging their trip to London. After he finished his sentence he turned his camera around and showed Oscar how he was (now) just watching the VOD he finished cutting around 20 minutes ago. After Oscar saw Y/n filming him, he just laughed and continued to watch the VOD while Y/n turned the cam back to his face and told his subs what they were gonna do now. "Right now we are pretty close to Brussels which is our first stop to change trains. From there we will get to Paris somehow for the next two days", he says as he holds up two fingers," of course I will also vlog that for y'all." After Y/n finished that sentence he shut off his camera and just waited as it was now only 5 minutes left until they arrive at Brussels.

"So nerds, it's the next day and we are now in Brussels, France. When we get back to the hotel Os and I will show you our rooms." Y/n told his camera excited. He always wanted to go to France and at one point in his life he also planned to do so but life and the person he wanted to go with had other plans with him.

While Oscar and Y/n didn't vlog they just walked around and did dumb stuff, like they always would do. Y/n maybe couldn't stream here in Paris but he would be able to, in two to three days. He also told that Twitter and got responses like Thank god we already miss you! or After this you have to do a subathon as apology.  The first answer was seen more shortly after he posted it, but after he got in the Hotel and in his room the most replies turned into SUBATHON! great... Should he really do a subathon? Maybe he will, but before he does he definitly will first get his setup ready again and comfortable in his new flat. 

None the less, Y/n was already really really happy because ,even tough he wasn't even home yet, he already felt much more home than he did in his entire life.


420 Words, short today lol

A bit shorter part, just because travelling isn't that adventuring but next part will be about them being in france! 

Also very sorry I'm currently having summer-school this week and I do not have another computer then my work computer so sorry for slow updates this week.

Have a nice day/night/whatever <3

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