"You can't get away from me, Y/n."

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When he opens the door it isn't Ranboo standing there...
but why isn't it Ranboo? He said he would be here in just a few minutes.. 

"Missed me, love?" she said, how did she find me. I don't know how to answer so I'm just standing infront of her looking like I saw a ghost. "How.. Why are you here?" I sounded pathetic, my voice was so quiet and small from crying. I just want someone here to give me comfort, I don't need Olivia here.. "That wasn't really the answer I wanted to hear, Y/n." Olivia didn't sound like the girl I once loved, she sounded different. It was like all the guilt and jealousy took over her and turned into anger and possessiveness.

"It wasn't the answer you wanted to hear and you are the person I don't want to see. So i guess it's a tie, isn't it?" I'm so pissed right now, I need comfort and not my trauma of an abusive relationship being brought up again. And by the look of Olivia's face I'm gonna have even more trauma after this. "Then who do you want to see baby? I thought you loved me, why are you running away from our relationship?" knowing that she is an manipulative bitch, I knew that those words were just empty promises.
'Empty promises that feel so good but are so bad..'

I start to get nervous, I'm not in the right mindstate to handle this. I feel weak and pathetic but also cared for when I'm around her. I know she isn't a good influence, but her presence feels nice but also dangerous at the same time. She feels like an younger version of my mother, less of an alcoholic but more of an abuser. But yet alone the fact that Olivia, a female that is a few years older then me, would give me love and affection that I've never gotten from my mother, that would be a reason for me to stay with her. 
Or to go back to her..

I'm getting more and more nervous, out of reflex I start to play with my ring. It was a gift from a fan, they sent it to my PO box and I haven't taken it off since I got it. "Why are you so nervous darling? I'm not going to hurt you, Y/n. I love you, why would I do that?" Olivia says as she caresses my cheek with one of her hands, the other one goes down to my hands and grabs them. It isn't enough to hurt me, but it was really uncomfortable. 

'Where are you Mr. boo..' I know that if he doesn't come in the next few minutes that she definitely will have me under her control again. "Look at me when I talk to you Y/n." I get scared, I was scared of Olivia before but never this terrified. Olivia's hand, the one that caressed my cheek before, is now under my chin. Well she's gripping my face with full force so that I look at her, but I don't. My eyes are closed, and even thought they are closed I can still feel how tears form in them, and how it gets harder and harder to not just start breaking down right then and there.

Her grip tightens even more when she starts to speak, "I'm your girlfriend, Y/n L/n. You don't just run away from me in the hope I would live with it, because I will not. So now you better come the fuck with me and finally stop being this stupid brat that you currently are. You're mine, I own you. Mine, and only my toy to fuck and play with. Do you understand?" It hurts how hard she's gripping my face now and I can't stop my tears from falling now. Her words hurt, how she screams them right in my face like I'm not my own person. Like I don't have any kind of selfworth.

"You can't get away from me, Y/n."  her words where whispers but they made me want to scream. "But what if I don't wanna be yours..." before I realized what I said I was already against the wall, and my cheek hurted like hell. 

She hit me.
Olivia hit me.

I couldn't stop myself anymore, I now was a pathetic, crying and sobbing mess. Everything hurted, my eyes stung from crying so much I couldn't even open them. She hit me so hard my nose started bleeding, and my head hit the wall so hard my headache only got worse and worse. If she hadn't have pulled me up again, I could've sworn that i would have laid on the floor, curled up in a ball.

I didn't even know what happened next, I just heard shouting. Olivia let go of my face and I slid down at the wall until I hit the floor and started crying even more. I thought I recognized the voices but back then I didn't, but I recognize the one calling my name right now.
Someone is calling my name?

"I wanna hold your hand." (Ranboo x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now