"I'm so sorry."

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+ POV - Ranboo +

Gladly I could catch Y/n before they fell or anything. His condition must be not much better then before, maybe a tiny bit but thats it. Right now I'm just asking myself why he wanted to stand up anyway, I found our position more comfortable then the one before. 
I didn't make him uncomfortable did I? Hopefully not, I would feel so bad.

"Sorry boo.." the smaller says all of a sudden, "What are you sorry for N/n?" Y/n holds onto my arm tighter, again like he would fall if he didn't. It's adorable I'm not gonna lie. 

not the time ran.

"For getting you and Tom in this choas." He replies with his head bend down, just looking at our feet. I shoot Tommy a help look and I think he gets it because he's now going to Y/n's kitchen to get him water. Jesus Christ I owe him.

Y/n starts shaking again in my arms, as well as small sobs are able to be heard again. "hey love, it's fine.. we're here. No one's goona hurt you anymore Y/n." I say as I place my head on his shoulder and now hug him completely from behind. "I'm so sorry." He says again, his sobbing stopped but he's still shaking. "It's all gonna be just fine." Now he's looking at me, wearing a small smile that I oh, so adore. "Can't believe you remember it.." he whispers making me let out a little laugh and him blush. "Why wouldn't I?" he tries not to smile to much but he fails, he starts playing with his sleeves as a distraction and watches them as he does so. "That was one of the first calls we ever had when I told you it was my favorite quote from Technoblade, that was like 2 to 3 months ago."

"And?" i reply, "I thought you would've already forgotten again." he laughed. I missed that laugh,no matter which one he has. Tea kettle or not I love him. 


I'm a flustered mess now and it also seems like Y/n saw that. "Hey boo," he wondered, "is everything fine? You're quite red. Do you maybe have a fever?" Y/n went on,he placed his hand on my forhead to check if i was warm, I wasn't. Beside that I loved it when he got worried or just talked without a pause. He especially does this with stuff he loves, like Bezzie, and videogames (especially Minecraft).

"I'm fine Y/n, no worries" I reassured him, seeing how the worry in his eyes left made me feel alot easier. "Boo?" Y/n said, looking like he wanted something, which in return maked me curious. "What is it?" I questioned, Y/n started fidgeting with his sleeves. 

"I wanna hold your hand."

"I wanna hold your hand." (Ranboo x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now