the masked guy

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+ Y/n POV +

"So yeah.. that's how I met Ranboo, Jack and Tom, Chat. If you ask me it's the best way to meet" 
After that sentence I couldn't stop myself from laughing, and Chat agrees also laughing their asses off. "ok ok I admit maybe it's not the safest way to meet, but c'mon guys it's funny." stopping for a second to see almost all of them say 'It would be funnier if we saw it too u/n' and I guess they're right. But- wait a second.. "Yeah about that, I have a video of it Chat. Give me a second to find it." Well, before I show them the video I decide I should call Ranboo and ask if I'm allowed to show it. I think I might do that. "ok Chat I have it but, before I show y'all I'm gonna ask Ranman if it's fine if I show it." I said opening discord on my second monitor, that wasn't shown to Chat, and searched for Ranboo's Chat. Damn I should stop annoying Os and my other mods on discord so much. Where is Ran's Chat??

+ no POV +

Chat got really excited when they heard the discord ringtone noise, hoping that their beloved u/n isn't playing some kind of prank on them with Oscar or so.
Well he wasn't.. but Chat wouldn't believe it until they would hear Ranboo's voice.
"Goddamn Oreo-boy pick the fuck up" u/n said, laughing after realising what he just said. "NO ONE CLIP THAT!" he screamed, he knew this would get clipped and posted on twitter. Well he didn't really mind since Ranboo called himself Oreo-boy before, and c'mon it was quite funny. U/n just giggled a bit more and took out his phone, mumbling "you fucks are gonna clip it,
won't ya-" then he looked up at the camera, some people in the chat would always find it intimating when he would do that, but that's exactly why he does it.

"If he isn't answering then I guess I will just show you the video." Y/n says a bit clueless and not sure if he should really show it without permission. That's when he starts to zoneout, not even his donation-alerts could get him out of his bad thoughts.

That was going on for four to five minutes, just Y/n not talking, just breathing looking onto his now dark phone screen. Until a loud ringtone finally got him out of his thoughts, it was the beloved Oreo-boy that was calling Y/n back. Completly in shock he still accepted the call, happy that Ranboo decided to call back.

+ Ranman POV + (new pov ayeee :D)

I just came back from meeting up with Aimee and went to my pc, when I saw I had an incoming call from u/n. Just as I wanted to accept it, he stopped calling. Maybe he accidentally called me? Wait is he streaming? Maybe I should look there to see if he wanted something important.

When I opened Twitch it glitched and I completely had to restart my Twitch, is my internet bad right now? No, not really- oh welp. When u/n's stream finally had loaded he just.. sat there?
Is he ok? Did something happen and he needed my help but I wasn't there? Maybe I  should donate and see what he says.

RanbooLive donated 10$!
you good u/n?

No reply, he's still staring at his phone even though it's not even on anymore. I'm getting kinda worried.. Maybe another donation, maybe he didn't hear it.. even though the voice is really loud..

RanbooLive donated 40$!
why aren't you answering my messages >:(

Kind of weird, but it doesn't seem to lag because his Chat clearly can see my messages. Should I go over? I mean Tommy has u/n's address, because they met up at his for a gaming night, so that wouldn't be the problem. Maybe one donation more, maybe he will hear it this time..

RanbooLive donated 50$! 
U/n I will come over if your not gonna answer my messages.

Just saying I'm slowly getting more and more worried. That's when I get a message from Tommy.


If I were you would call him first

So you are also watching?


ok maybe ur right i should call first shouldn't I-

You should :)

I will- thanks tommy

No prob bossman

So I'm calling him, fine. After I click on our Chat, where we've texted a bit before today, I click on voicecall and hear the loud ringtone on u/n's stream. As soon as the ringtone started he looks up super fast, and quite shocked. So I was right, I guess he really was just in deep thought mode. I close his stream as soon as he picks up.

+ No POV +

"Oh, hi Ranboo" Y/n says, but now his voice is really quiet. It somehow sounds really tiny, if that's the best what you can describe it. "Are you alright?" u/n was quite shocked to hear Ranboo worried, he sounded the same back at the icehall when the two crashed into eachother. Even thought Ranboo just asked such a simple question Y/n didn't know how he felt, was he alright? He didn't know, so many things went through his mind when he zoned out. Many things he didn't want to think about, such as his mum or all the hate comments he has gotten recently after he kinda blew up. 

U/n shut off his facecam so he could take of the mask, and after his camera was off he muted himself for everyone real quick and texted Ranboo on discord.


Ranboo started a call...

Weird question but could u come over?

Oh- sure, I'm omw :)

Thank you

Ranboo started a call that lasted 3 minutes.

After that Y/n took a deep breath just to finish his outro really quick, and not to break down right then and there. "Ok nerds, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed- and yeah.. thanks for all the donos and subs, really appreciate you. Have a nice day." and with that the only thing his viewers saw was his 'stream's over, byee' screen. Now he would just have to wait for Ranboo to arrive.

Wait ...

"HE DOESN'T HAVE MY ADDRESS!" Y/n said as realization hit him and he quickly got out his phone and texted Ranboo his address. "hopefully he see's it before leaving.." after he said that he let out a sigh, a really frustated one. But that frustation quickly turned into sadness and confusion, he doesn't know if he can take it tonight and be tough like every other day. He got his legs up on his chair and hugs his knees to his chest, his head between them hoping it would muffle his sobs and sniffles. 
Five minutes after his breakdown started he calmed himself a bit and went to the bathroom, to clean himself up. When he looked in the mirror he didn't like what he saw, he didn't like the way his face looked. Or the way his cheeks were stained from his tears and his eyes red as they fill with even more tears now. He came into here to wash his face and look atleast a bit respresentable, but it looks like another breakdown was rushing over him.

"fucking hell.." he muttered trying to help himself up by gripping the sink. 'deep breaths Y/n.. deep, deep breaths..' Y/n thinks to himself and luckily the breaths help a bit. And he feels even more relieved when he hears the doorbell. He steadies himself more and finally let's go of the sink and makes his way over to his living room, then to his flat's door. 'Please be Ranboo..' he never thought he would want to see somebody so badly when he is having breakdowns, but Y/n seems to feel safe enough around Ranboo.

When he opens the door it isn't Ranboo standing there...

"I wanna hold your hand." (Ranboo x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now