"-it never hurt my heart so much."

566 17 10

I already feel like something is off when me and Tommy enter the apartment complex Y/n is living in. Even though it is an amazing complex, it was clear that people that are wealthy lived here. They had door guys, aswell as security and an Elevator assistent. Overall it was very nice here and I understand that Y/n likes it here.

But I still can't help but have a weird feeling in my stomach. It is pretty here and you were supposed to feel safe here, and I did but just because I feel safe doesn't mean others are safe. Those 'others' is Y/n and Tommy for me. I knew Tommy was kinda safe because he was with me this very moment but.., I didn't know how Y/n was. He cried about 10 minutes ago and I really hope we came fast enough so he didn't have an anxiety or panic attack.

As we arrive at the counter with the entry lady behind it she smiled at us. Probably because she recognized Tommy from last time he was over at Y/n's apartment. "Hello Gentlemen, what can I do for you?" I've to admit her smile is pretty, it makes you want to smile along. "We would like to go to Y/N L/n. I believe his flat is on the 7th floor." Tommy said flattered. This guy is usally acting so confident (and sometimes very fruity), but the moment he see's a pretty woman he is speechless.

"Oh N/n!" she says, smiling even wider now. Why did she call Y/n that? Is it a nickname for him? I keep getting lost in my thoughts, but when she continued I was very much confussed. "He is currently having a guest, I believe her name was Olive or something.."




Wasn't that his ex-girlfriend? I'm pretty sure he said she was toxic and abusive, it was a while ago and he had a breakdown while we called. He told me everything that had been going on with his mum and how he thought after moving away from germany he could finally make the most of his freedom. He thought he was wrong and that he destroyed his freedom, but deep down I think Y/n knows that that wasn't true.

"Thank yo-" Before Tommy could finish his sentence I interrupted. "Do you've any body guard or so that could come up with us? She wasn't the nicest person in Y/n's past." I tried not to sound to worried but by the looks of the girl, I failed misserably. "I- I guess we do please give me a minute." after that she quickly turned around and left into a room behind a door that read 'staff only'.

"What was that for big man?" Tommy asked, confussed as light as the day. "Olivia is the Ex that N/n told us about while playing truth or dare." now Tommy isn't confussed anymore but he's even more worried now. "If she really is, shouldn't we go up to see if he's hurt?" he said sadly, and i suppose he is right. "You wait for the security man, Tom. I will go up already. Be as fast as you can though." Tommy only was able to nod before I turned and went to the elevator.

"Hello young man, to which floor would you like this lift to take you?" an elderly man said to me, with a big smile. "Hello, seventh floor please." I'm to paniced for more talking then needed, hopefully I didn't come over as rude or anything.
Well the elder man didn't seem offended or anything so I guess I'm alright. god ,can't this elevator be a bit faster??

I arrive at the seventh floor and wave to the elder man as I leave, receiving a wave back. After that I hear the elevator door close, that's when I notice I don't know Y/n's apartment number.
I'm fucked. Or so I thought.

I was closely to go and knock on an door when I hear weird noises, like screaming and slaps from the back of the hallway. I decide to go were the noise is comming from, in fear that Y/n was inclueded in this. When I got further and further I heard sobbing and crying that sounded quite familiar, followed by a loud thud. I begin running, terrified of what I was about to see. In hope it had nothing to do with Y/n and that I could just call him, after checking out the noise, and be happy that he is in his apartment and not out here beating someone up. or worse, getting beaten up.

I started to get slower when I got closer, still terrified of what I'm about to see. As I looked through the door I knew why I was scared. I was terrified of the exact scene I saw right now with my very own eyes. I saw the boy I so adored pinned against the wall by a girl, who was maybe in her mid twenties. How she gripped his face looked hurtfull, it was with to much force and anger.
Which made me have anger. I'm usally not a person to get angry or anything quickly, but seeing my friends hurt, seeing the boy I, oh so adored being so hurt by one single person made me furious. When I turned around I saw Tommy and the security guy comming, luckily quickly. I waved them over, they got the signal and started running towards me. I pointed at the door and the security guard got it and ran inside, taking Olivia away from Y/n with full force.

Me and Tommy immediatly got inside and went to the boy who was sitting on the floor now, back and head against the wall. He was bleeding from his nose and he had a big bruise on his cheek, I wanted to hurt this girl so much right now. "hey.. hey Y/n can you hear me?" I said cupping his face, him flinching at the sudden contact. He was still crying and shaking terribly, but I think when he realised that me and Tommy were there he calmed down, slightly.
He took one of his hands and placed it over mine at his face, he opened his eyes which seemed pretty hard for him.

"b-boo.. everything hurts terribly.." his voice tiny and scared, probably from crying so much and getting beaten up. "It's fine N/n we are here." Tommy said as he sat down beside us, placing his hand ontop of Y/n's tigh. His loud usal voice being more quite and even more comforting now. "Is Olivia still here..?" he sounded like a child that never got loved but still had everything, except love. His voice hurt but at the very same time still soft.

"she isn't here anymore n/n, she can't hurt you anymore." Y/n starts shaking more after i finish the sentence. He placed his hands infront of his eyes and just started crying, I've never seen someone cry so much and it never hurt my heart so much. "oh no no no nonononono, come here." I say taking Y/n into my lap, his legs around my waist, his arms around my neck clinging onto my shirt like he would die if one of us let's go. His forhead was on my shoulder sobs and sniffles are still hearable, but he had come down a bit. My arms were around his waist, just holding him as Tommy sat beside us and rubbed circles onto Y/n's back.

After around 15 more minutes there were no sounds coming from Y/n anymore. He wasn't clinging onto my shirt anymore, but his arms were still around my neck, his head moved onto my chest. I didn't mind though, as long as he was felling safe and comfortable I was fine. I looked at Tommy who was now just smiling at us, when he finally spoke up I turned red because of what he said, "you're an amazing friend Ranboo. How you handled the situation was good, I coudln't have done it better. He's glad that he has you." after he finished he was so proud and holding in his laughter. "Thats the most cheesy thing you ever said Tommy." I whispered not wanting to wake Y/n up, still giggling a little bit. Tommy laughed, not at full volume, also wanting to give the smaller boy some rest that he well deserved. We sat there a little while longer while I'm starting to get tired too. Tommy was now just on his phone, I decided I would just take a nap and when I wake up I would bring N/n to bed.

"I wanna hold your hand." (Ranboo x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now