Chapter 7

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We only see each other at weddings and funerals

We only see each other at weddings and funerals

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„ because i was one too!"

Isabella and klaus were hugging each other and had fun while on the other side, a certain guapo seemed to be a little too distracted to watch the big bother being on the ground in a deep spleep- he only had eyes for belleza.

„Alright i have an idea!" he moved closer to Isabella to whisper something into her ear. After Isabella laughed her ass off,
she tried to pull herself together to keep it serious. „ After i snip with my finger,
you're going to turn yourself into a chicken and to go back to normal, i have to clap in my hands."  When the short haired woman sniped with her fingers, the big brother woke up and stod on one foot, squinted his eyes and used his arms as wings.

He made weird but funny noises. Diego eyes widened and tried not to laugh but failed just like Allison and Vanya.
After everyone had their laugh, Isabella clapped in her hands. Luther woke up and looked around himself and wondered what happened to him. „What the hell happend?" as Isabella approached Luther, she smiled up at him and said "well big guy, as you can see you just got Hypnotized." Luther looked at her and after she asked „Wanna try the Anxiety projection?", he violently shook his head and took a phew steps away from her.

„Ok, now that we all agreed that Isabella also has superpowers, we should now get this started." Luther said while looking around to his siblings and Isabella.

„I guess we can have a little memorial service for him in the courtyard at sundown." He tells his siblings.
„We can say a few words at dad's favorite spot." Luther tells his siblings.

„Wait. Dad had a favorite spot?" Allison asked confused. „Yeah, you know the oak tree." He tells them. „We used to sit there all the time... None of you did that?" Luther asked everyone as they all shook their heads.Everyone looked confused And the atmosphere became very uncomfortable.

Isabella thought that this was pretty awkward especially that no one except Luther did something with Reginald.
‚What a sad and hopeless family' she thought.

„Will there be refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner." Klaus says appearing in front of the couch from being with the bar with a cigarette in his hand.

„What? No." sad Luther annoyed.

Isabella looked at the cigarette. 'Mierda, realmente necesito un cigarrillo ahora mismo.'
(shit i really need a cigarette right now)

Isabella tapped Klaus on the shoulder as he looked at her, she asks: „Hey ehm, do you mind sharing?" she asked as her hand gesture showed to his cigarette in his hand. „Oh yes sure, wait a second."
He looked in his jacket pocket and took out a marlboro cigarette box with a lighter
He gave her a cigarette and the lighter. Isabella has never felt so relieved. She smiled to Klaus and light her cigarette.

„Thank you, You're a life saver."
„Probably more of a life killer, if you know what i mean." He giggled and she chuckled.

„Put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here." Luther said. Isabella just rolled her eyes at him. Estúpido , he just needs to ruin everything.' (Asshole)

„Wait, is that my skirt?" Allison asked pointed towards Klaus who was wearing Allison's skirt. Isabella laughed, ‚I think i've found my favorite sibling.'

„What? Oh this thing, i found it in your closet- it's a little outdated." He said walking over towards the end of the couch. „Well i think you look stunning in that skirt, Klaus." Isabella said winking at him.

„Listen up. We still have important things to discuss." Luther says after breaking the conversation.

„Like what?" Says Diego after saying nothing in the past 15-20mins. Isabella looked at him a little concerned. ‚Is he ok?'

„Like the way he died?" Luther says looking at Diego while he rolled his eyes into his brain.

„I don't understand, I thought they said he died of a heart attack." says Vanya while looking at everyone.

Looking at Vanya, Luthers says „ Yeah, according to the coroner."

Suddenly Isabella interrupts them: „Well, wouldn't they know?" She asks. „Theoretically." Luther stated bluntly.
„Theoretically??" Isabella scoffs.

„Last time i talked to Dad.. he sounded strange." Luther says looking at his siblings. „oh quelle surprise!" Klaus says while gurgling on his drink.

Strange how?" Allison asked. „He Sounded off the edge. Told me i should be careful who I trust." Luther replied.
Isabella looked down knowing fully what really happened. Even tho Reginald told her to take a walk after dinner, she knew really well why. She felt guilty for not telling his kids that he killed himself. Isabella played with her fingers while avoiding everyone's gaze and just listening to their conversation.

„Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter, old man. Starting to lose what was left of his marbles." Diego states while walking up to Luther. Isabella finally looked up at Diego and what he said replade in her head.

He was a paranoid, bitter, old man. ‚Maybe he was right ? Maybe he was just a paranoid old man losing his mind.'

„No. He must've known something was going to happen." Luther says with his eyes fixed on him. He breaks eye contact and looks towards Klaus. „Look, i know you don't like to do this, but i need you to talk to dad." Luther tells Klaus, while Allison scoffs.

„I-i can't just call dad in the afterlife and be like 'Dad, could you stop playing tennis with hitler and take a quick call??"

„Since when? That's like your thing." Luther says while getting a little mad. „I'm not....really in the right mindset." klaus tells him. „You're high?" Allison asks him.

„Yeah! Yeah. „ klaus says while laughing and then looking at everyone: „I mean how are you not? Listening to this nonsense?" He says. Isabella raised an eyebrow and scoffs looking at Luther and saying „You know Luther, it's kinda obvious when someone is high and that you ask Klaus to call you're dad real quick doesn't work."

Luther just looks at Isabella, ignores her comment and turns to Klaus saying „Well sober up then." Isabella mumbled to herself „idiota", stands up and talking directly to Luther „ Hey idiot, it's not that easy for addicts to sober up, so wake up. He can't call your dad!" Isabella got angry. Because she knows what klaus is going through as an addict.

„Well how would you know that?" Luther snaps. Isabella got very angry and snaps back: „ because i was one too!"
Luther was silent. Everyone was silent. Diego looks at her with a sad face just like Klaus. Isabella just looked at Luther and then stormed out of the living room back to her/diego's bedroom.

„What was that Luther?" Allison snaps at him after Isabella was gone. „You should go and apologize." Vanya says quietly. „Alright." says Luther but as he wanted to go Diego stops him and says „ No, it's ok, i should go. We are the closest."

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