Chapter 10

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We only see each other at weddings and funerals

We only see each other at weddings and funerals

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„He was a Monster.

Isabella was in her room as she tried on her black dress with long black gloves. And black heels. She took an umbrella walked out of her room.

As she walked through the floor she saw Diego looking at her ‚god, she looks beautiful.' he thought.

As she walked to him she said:" Do you want to stand here and stare at me or wanna go outside?" she said while smirking at him. ‚What an incredible woman.'

They walk out one by one in the pouring rain. Everyone except for Luther and Diego had an umbrella over them. Isabella looked at Diego and saw that he hadn't had a umbrella. She walked closer to him to cover him with her umbrella. He looked at her and slightly smiled appreciating it.

Isabella looked at the statue of a young man wondering who it was. Her thoughts were interrupted by Grace asking „Did something happen?".

They all shared a sad look. „Dad died. Remember?" Allison tells her. „Oh, yes of course." Grace said. „Is your mom ok?" Isabella asks Diego. „Yeah, yeah, she's fine. Just needs to rest. You know, recharge." Diego says looking at his mom carefully. Isabella feels bad for Diego, he loves his mom and just looks at him and nodding.

„Whenever you're ready, dear boy." Pogo says. Luther walks up and opens Reginald's urn and pours it out.

Isabella just looked at the urn and thought of the whole 6 months she's been through with Training, Therapy ect. She wouldn't admit it but she did feel kinda bad. He killed himself and wouldn't even tell her why. She knows he wasn't the best man, but she was thankful for him for controlling her power and even discovering new ones.

As Isabella still was in her thoughts, everyone else looked back at Luther. „Probably would've been better with some wind." Allison looks down in disappointment. „Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asks looking up to Luther and the group. „Very well."

„In all regards, sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what i am today. For that alone, i shall forever be in debt. He was my master, and my friend, and i shall miss him very much." they all look at pogo in sadness, even tho Reginald Hargreeves wasn't the best man, he was his friend. „He leaves behind a complicated legacy-„

„He was a Monster." Diego interrupts Pogo. Klaus laughs and everyone looked at Diego including Isabella. „He was a bad person." Diego says. „And a worse father, the world's better off without him." he finishes. „Diego." „Diego please, now is not the time." Allison and Isabella (sadly) say at the same time to him while Isabella touches his arm that he noticed but ignored.

Diego ignores Isabella and talks directly to Allison. „My name is Number two, and you know why?- Because our father couldn't be bother to give us actual names. He had mom do it." he ends looking at his mother. Isabella looks at Diego with sad eyes knowing damn well that he is right.

„Would anyone like something to eat?" Grace asks looking around. „No, it's ok, mom." Vanya tells her. „Oh, okay."

„Look you wanna pay your respect?- go ahead." Diego says. „But at least be honest about the kind of man he was." Diego tells everyone while walking in the middle of the group. „You should stop talking now." Luther says.

Diego looks at Luther and says: „You know, you of all people should be on my side, number one."

„I'm warning you." Luther says while walking closer to Diego. Isabella's eyebrows frowned a bit being afraid that it might ends up in a fight. „After Everything he did to you?" Diego says while walking closer to Luther. „He had to ship you a million mile away." he says „Diego stop it." Luther says while Grittening his teeth. „That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego shouts pointing at his chest. Isabella was only looking at Diego. ‚How could he say that right now?' she didn't liked that man much either but it still hurt her and she doesn't know.

Suddenly Luther grabs Diego's arm and try's to knee him in his chest. Diego flip's his arm around fast so he would let go of his arm and doges his punches.

„Diego, Luther stop this at once." pogo shouts while Isabella looked at Diego.

Diego and Luther start to continue throwing each other punches and doge them. As they separated Diego walks towards Luther saying: „Come on, big boy."

They start again to throw punches. „Stop it!" Vanya shouts. „Hit him, hit him!" Klaus yells encouraging the fight. While Luther and Diego continued their fight pogo shakes his head and leaves to go inside.

Diego punches Luther in the face that makes him turn the other way. Diego and Luther have some space between the other and they look at each other panting.

„We don't have time for this." Five says walking towards the door. „Come here, big boy!" Diego shouts. Luther runs up to him wanting to punch him but diego ducked and Luther punches the statue instead that made it fall and lose it's head.
„Oh.." klaus says. „There gose Ben's statue." Allison says as she turns to go outside.

„Diego, no." Vanya shouts. He grabs his knife from his thigh and throws it hearing his knife fall of the floor as he hears Luther stomp towards the front door. „You don't know when to stop, do you?" Vanya says looking at him. „You got enough material for your sequel yet?" Diego answers her." He was my Father too." Vanya says as she walks inside.

Diego rolled his eyes and then looked at Isabella who just looked disappointed. Isabella walks back inside. „Bella,wait!" Diego shouts after her but she just ignores him. Diego sights walks up to his mom, took her by her arm and went inside with her.

Wow... 1001 words lol
So proud of me 😭

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