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"Your Prince has arrived! Rise and shine, princess!" an utterly annoying familiar voice said. Please don't tell me it's seven am. Please don't! I glanced at my wall clock. Ugh. It's not seven am, but six. I wish it was seven. Uggggh.

I glanced at where Prince was standing. He was already walking to my curtains. Oh hell no. Not this time of the day. "Don't you dare open those curtains or else!" I pointed my finger at him while I was still lying on my bed.

"Or else what?" he scoffed. He thought I was unprepared for this? After he's been my annoying alarm clock for the past three days (since been helping me with investigating Karson and her friends. We've been gathering good information about them. Right now, we're focusing on their health informations and their ins and outs of the country. We had our reasons.)

I sat up properly on my bed and gave him my best puppy face ever. "Pwetty pwease, Pwince?"I said, batting my eyelashes at him.

"Awe, do you want five more minutes of sweep?" he offered. At last. Well, I could bargain, right?


"Sixty what?"



"If you give me sixty more minutes, you can take one of my cars! Just please!" I pleaded.

"Shut it and wipe that dried up drool on your face." He scoffed. Ugggh! "If you kiss me, I'll give you 2 hours." he continued. Ha-ha. I stuck my tongue out in reply. With that, he opened the curtains.

"The hell with you, Prince!" I cursed, throwing a pillow at him.

- -

"Hey, princess! What's taking you so long?! You aren't sleeping back there, aren't you!" Prince gawked behind my walk in closet's door. He just gave me an idea. Too late for that since I'm almost done changing.

"I'll take note of that the next time you wake me up so early!" I replied, rolling my eyes in the mirror.

I looked at myself once more in the mirror and checked my look.

Since the weather was starting to get colder, I put on my black leather jacket with the big furry collar and matched it with a white long sleeved crop top on the inside, denim jeans and black stiletto boots. I just left my blonde and brown wavy ombre hair down.

I applied my signature bloody red lipstick and my usual light smokey brown eye make up. And I'm done.

I opened the door and saw Prince lying comfortably on my sofa, watching 2 Fast 2 Furious on HBO. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm ready," I announced. He didn't take his eyes off the TV.

"Yeah give me five minutes. The movie's almost done,"

Yeah right, this scene's so familiar, huh? It's my turn to have a little fun then. I quickly grabbed the remote and swoosh, there goes the TV. I let out my tongue again.

"Oh you're on, princess. Wait 'til I wake you up at five in the morning tomorrow." He countered, giving me his 'try-me-look'.

"Fine, but this time, you start waking me up at nine thirty, are we clear on that?" I offered, raising my eyebrow at him.


"Eight thirty. Last offer. Are we clear on that?"


I gave him the remote back and started to walk away. "I'll be at the kitchen,"

- -

"Good morning, miss." our cook, Carlos, greeted. I sat down the stool of our breakfast nook. It was still seven fifty and Tara and mom wasn't up yet. They are sleeping so soundly in their comfy beds right now while I was here waiting for the guy who is now watching a movie and who woke me up so freaking early in the morning.

"Carlos, Por favor hacerme unos huevos y tocino." I ordered, smiling at him.

(Translation: Carlos, please make me some eggs and bacon please.)

Prince arrived with his usual happy face and sat right next to me. "Me quedo con eso también, Carlos."

(Translation: I'll take the same, Carlos.)

I unlocked my phone and checked Karson's twitter account. Since she's been active on her social networking sites and it was quite an advantage for us since we would have a bit of information on her every move. I sipped my brewing hot coffee without taking away my eyes from my phone, scrolling down her twitter account.

"So, watcha got there?" the annoying guy sitting right next to me asked.

"None of your business," I glanced at him to check his reaction. His eyebrows furrowed together as he pouted. "We're supposed to be together on this. I'm telling Edward."

Haha, that's what he always says to me whenever I don't include him in my business. I just silently chuckled and darted my eyes back on my phone.

"Shut up you cry baby. Karson's leaving for Paris for fashion week. She tweeted it." I explained, still not keeping my eyes off my phone. Perfect. That will give me a week to play on the others.

"So, what's the plan?" he asked.

"You." I smiled evilly. bwahahahaha. Just kidding.

- -

"First target: Ellaine Porter. She's the first member of Karson's group of friends and they like to call her 'Ella'. She got in by putting spiders on Mr.Kendrick's drawer in 2009. What's funny is that she has Arachnophobia. Fear of spiders. Oh,and she likes color purple." Jett explained, reading the printed article he archived.

We were at my office that Edward provided me in the Wilson's building here in LA. This is where the Wilsons hold their business meetings and important events. My office was huge just like my room and was painted with color white just like how I want it but my furniture was colorful. I also had a mini chandelier that hung in the middle of the room, a treadmill and a mini bar. Also, it's parallel to Prince and Jett's office.

I turned my office chair to Jett since I was looking outside my twelve feet window when he arrived and spoke. Prince was in his office as I assigned him to gather a lot of information about Karson. Jett was assigned to gather more information about the others.

"That's funny. Alright, here's the plan. Find her address and send her a gift for me, will you? Just put it inside a big purple box with a purple ribbon, get that? Oh, and make sure that you get her reaction as she opens the box on tape, okay?" I ordered, smiling at him.

"What do we put in the box?" Jett asked back, raising his eyebrow.

"You." I replied seriously. "Me? Why me?" he reacted. hahaha he looks cute when he's confused.

"Why? Do you prefer putting yourself in that box instead of hundreds of tarantulas? I think it's pretty obvious that we put spiders in that big purple box, right?" I joked.

"Tarantulas it is," Jett breathed out as I rolled my eyes at him.

x x x x

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*Please also read my newly finished book, RUNNING AWAY FROM MR.STALKER. x

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