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Patricia Violette Wilson's POV

Four minutes.
Four long minutes.
Four long damn minutes.

It's been four long damn minutes since Prince has been staring at me. We haven't seen each other for a week since after that time when he knocked on my door in the middle of the night and now he finally came to talk to me.
Well, sort of.

I think he actually lost his words as he felt nervous. I'm feeling nervous myself and I don't know why. Maybe because I haven't seen him in so long. A week to be exact.

"Well? Are you going to sit there and talk or just stare at me? I'm busy as you can see and you're wasting my time," I said, trying to break the silence that flooded my office and keeping my cool.

He just stared at me again for a while and then snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just gonna ask you one thing..." he said.

Do you guys get that feeling when somebody wants to ask you a question so suddenly and seriously, you get really nervous and wonder what the question is whether it is a good question or a bad question? Because that's exactly how I'm feeling right now.

"Then spill," I said, still trying to keep my cool.

"Um, that night when I came to your room... did I say something to you? I mean, anything?" He asked me with a nervous grin on his face.


"Nope, you just came and left. Why?"

His nervous face suddenly turned into a happy and blooming face. So that's what it was all about?

"Really? You're not kidding, are you?" He asked again.

"You did actually say something...." I answered him with an 'I-just-remembered' tone in my voice.

His face reversed again. He was back in his nervous state as I could tell in his face's reaction. Haha, gotcha :P

"R-really? What did I say?"

"You... well... you sort of confessed..." I said seriously. Hahaha you guys should see the look on his face. He then sighed and spoke,

"Look, Patricia, everything I said back there was all true. I don't regret telling you that... *sigh* I just hope that you won't change the way you look at me.. even after I confessed to you,"

What was this guy saying? LMAO. His face right now looks like a red tomato.

"Of course I won't, silly. I've actually dreamt about having a gay friend, OMG like we can go shopping together and go get a mani-pedi together and-"

"Hold up a bit. Go shopping together? Get a mani-pedi together? You don't think I'm gay, do you?" He interrupted, looking so shocked. Just the reaction I wanted.

"Well you did confess to me that you were gay that night," I answered him with a little giggle. I'm really having fun right now. Bugging someone, especially Prince, makes me happy, especially when they don't think that I'm joking.

He just looked so so so confused right now. Should I tell him that I was joking? Or should I not? Bwahaha.

He raised his eyebrow and stared at me as he crossed his muscleic arms over his chest. No, not those type of muscles like Vin Diesel's. The Zac Efron type of muscles. His body is much more similar to Zac Efron's

"I'm not fcking gay, Patricia. Why would I be fckng gay if I'm very much in love with a woman right now?" He explained to me with his I'm-not-joking-so-believe-me tone.

Really? He's in love with someone right now? Who would that unlucky girl be?

"Whatever you say, Prince. Now get the fck out, I'm fcking busy." I said, copying his voice's tone he used to me a while ago sarcastically.

I saw him stand up as he brushed his fingers on his brown hair. He let out a big sigh and walked out the room.

Good to have the normal us back. Just teasing each other makes us normal.

Now, back to work. The serious business.

I just finished my report and placed it inside my drawer for keeps. Nobody is allowed to watch it since it's going to be aired on public next month.

Going forward to my revenge plan, I opened the folder that Prince sent me via mail yesterday. The folder was all about Catherine Cooper.

She's also part of Karson's circle of friends obviously. But what they don't know is that she isn't who they think she is, that's according to her medical records of course.

Every part of her face and body is fake. By fake I mean she actually had a lot of plastic surgery back then. She had botox, liposuction, a nose lift, fake hair, removed a part of her jaws to make it look smaller and a butt augmentation.

She belongs with Karson. Everything is about her is fake. Head to toe, FAKE.
Luckily, I myself isn't a victim of plastic surgery. Every part of me is natural. I didn't try liposuction when I was fat. That would be my last choice. I knew I had to work hard for me to lose weight.

I luckily inherited the Lennox's genes. Naturally long-nosed, tall, pouty lips and white skin.

My plan for her is easy. I just have to tell Jett about it first since I'm going to need his help this time again.

I called up my secretary on the phone and asked her to get Jett for me.

After almost five minutes, Jett barged in the room. He was looking fresh today like the usual. He looked happier even.

"What's up krabby patty?" He asked me.

I passed him a picture of Catherine. The beautiful Catherine Cooper. He picked it up and studied it.

"This is Catherine Cooper right?" He asked me while he was still looking at the picture. I nodded in reply.

"Soooo what's the plan?" He asked again.

" You just have to spread that picture on the social media. Easy as one, two, three right?" I explained to him. He looked really confused.

I'm guessing he's thinking about why I would want a picture of a beautiful girl to spread on social media since that's what the look of his face looks like.

"O...kay?" He answered back at me with a questioning look on his face.

"But here's the catch. That's the after shot. Here's the before shot," I said, now passing him the photo of Catherine's natural and original face with an evil smile on my face.

He looked at the photo once more and and compared the two photos with a confused look on his face.

"That's just two photos of one person, Jett. Effects of plastic surgery," I said to him sarcastically.

He looked grossed out. Just like my reaction a while ago.

"Here's what you have to do. I need these photos to spread mentioning Catherine Cooper's name in every social media. You know that before and after look? I want you to put it that way. But remember, remain anonymous to everyone. Leave not a single trace, get it?" I explained to him as he still stared at the picture.

I bet he didn't believe me that the two pictures were pictures of just a single person.

x x x x
Short chap, I know. Not edited yet. Sorry for the late update guys, been busy.

Hope you still liked this suckish chapter.

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