CHAPTER 3 - Good Memories

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2020, Taguig City, Philippines

After walking for a while, Ayu's tummy growled. Her feet brought her in Burgos Circle which has now many open restaurants. She was scanning the place with curious eyes. Then, she found Watering Hole.

"They are serving Filipino food. Jackpot," Ayu told herself.

The waitress smiled warmly at Ayu. She wished she could do the same. Her heart was still heavy. Ayu was going to sit outside the restaurant to eat her food, but the temperature is getting higher. She went inside and took a window seat.

The smell of cooked food is giving her stomach a boost to act up. When the waitress came back with her order, she could not help but grinned not because of the smell of pork adobo but because of the rice in a silver cauldron the size of a cup. It is like one of those miniature cauldrons used in provincial areas. At least, there is still something that could make the corners of her mouth raised a little.

"Can you get me black coffee, please?" Ayu ordered politely.

"Of course, one black coffee on the way." The waitress donned in black apron obliged.

Ayu's eyes browsed the inside of the restaurant. The white paint is enough to make her miss sipping dark roasted coffee in Pam's apartment. Ayu was getting her first bite when an old man and a 10-year old looking daughter duo sit outside of the restaurant.

That is lovely to look at. Ayu felt jealous. She can't remember any good memory with her parents.

Eight hours went smoothly. Ayu is now back in her 110 sqm flat. Ugh. Six years of staying in different cities made her more anxious about her future. She sat in a well-padded beige sofa and looked at the framed travel photos on the wall.

"I might die of loneliness." Ayu was deep in thought.

Ayu was taking a bath when she remembered her childhood friends. Ayu was never needy but this time, her mind is a mess.

"Jen? Hey, girl." Ayu greeted her friend trying to hide the pain in her heart and forgot about it in an instant. Zuckerberg's Facebook messenger is one of the good things in this century.

"Hey you. Are you back in Manila?" The first question from many ones this childhood friend asked Ayu.

"Yes. I have not sold my flat in Trion Tower. That's where I'm staying at right now." Ayu remembered one of the crazy things that they did together many years ago. Ayu giggled but stopped when she remembered why she's back in the Philippines.

"By the way, do you have Gary's mobile number? I was thinking to join one of his volunteer activities." Ayu finally asked.

"Oh yeah. I will send it to you. You know, I went with Gary and his group to Pangasinan a year ago. We delivered boxes of school supplies for more than 50 school kids and their teachers. It was quite amusing. The school was along the shore so there were few huts the school rents out during weekends and they use the money to fund some of the school's necessity." Jen was giving her more details of their plight in volunteering.

Ayu hoped to erase her sad memory of her parents through giving back but she wanted to do so with more adventure on the side. She would wait for Pam before she meets her parents. She decided that it would be best that way.

"That sounds interesting. Hey, how about we meet in High Street on Saturday night. Tomorrow? I will invite Gary. I'm on vacation and I want to still be productive." Ayu decided.

"I would love that! Let us catch up more. Dinner in Texas Roadhouse and drinks after?" Jen suggested.

"Sounds great to me. I have not had a drink in a while. See you!" Ayu continued.

Ayu hangs up the phone, smiled,and told herself. "At least there's something else I could be excited about. "

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