CHAPTER 14 - Good Intention

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The group just gathered in the garage of the vacation house. They were all waiting for their guide to the Bato Mangrove Wetland.

"Hop on guys. There's Gary and our guide." Jen pointed to the duo entering from the back gate.

"We will get breakfast when we get back from the wetland." Gary gave them instruction and more information on their itinerary for the day. It was only quarter to 6 in the morning. Everyone was quite excited and made a joyous cheer.

On the way to the wetland, the group could not hide their fascination of their surroundings. For Filipino, it's not new that people here are still living in bamboo houses. It would be something for tourists to see but Hanz and Ned has been to too many places and volunteered to help in this kind of areas. In fact, provincial areas certainly have attractive qualities for many who wanted to slow down and enjoys living a mundane life.

"Are you sleeping?" Jen peeked under Ayu's white hat. Her friend was quite since they left Brgy. Batag.

"Let her sleep. She was up early." Hanz told her.

Jen became interested and gave Hanz a questioning look. She was waiting for more words but Hanz turned his head to the window not willing to say anything more than necessary. She then looked at Ned who were busy taking snaps.

The car suddenly jumped because of the huge hump along the road.

Their driver was equally surprised. "I'm sorry. It was a little late before I realized there was a hump." He said to the group.

Ayu woke up from the sudden car jump. She looked at Jen with sleepy eyes.

"Drink this water." Jen caressed her friends head. "I have hot coffee in my bag. I'll give it to you once we get to the wetland later."

"Ahuh." Ayu could only agree. She was way too sleepy to make a conversation.

Hanz eyed Ayu and chuckled. Ned was beside him and heard it. He followed Hanz's eyesight and realized that it has been a while since he saw his friend eyeing someone like this.

Ayu was sniffing the coffee that Jen gave her. She smiled at the aroma and took a sip.

"It is funny how coffee can make you smile brightly." Jen noticed her friends face shining over a cup of coffee.

"Thanks to your generosity." Ayu moved closer to Jen and gave her a hug.

If only everyday life can be this lovely and peaceful, Ayu thought. Then, no more hesitation on who to trust, love and spend time with. She hoped her parents would get back together. But that would be impossible now.

Gary interrupted their lovely moment. "Girls, come on. The mangroves are waiting for their new home." Both girls giggled.

Everyone felt good in seeing many trees at the entrance going to the mangrove forest. The group took turns on who will carry the little mangrove trees that they will plant in the wetland. The mangrove area was not that big but the trees they will plant today will be part of it in the future.

"It is my first time in a wetland." Jen said innocently.

"Really? There's one in Las Piñas close to the metro." Garry told her. Amazed by the thought.

"Oh, I did not know that." Jen's eyes scanning the area and squinted her eyes on the mangrove forest up ahead.

"There's one I went to in Sabah Malaysia. I remember going there during summer and saw some snapping shrimp and mud skipper along the path. Those little fish are quite amusing." She did not know that everyone was listening intently to her story.

"Mud skipper? Fish?" Jen inquired.

"Yes. They literally skip. Those fish can live underwater and they can also breath out of the water." Ayu added. She smiled at the thought.

She told them about her escapade, the bird watching and many other amazing things she found out in the summer island of Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. She did not notice the banana peel in front of her. She slipped.

"Aww." She cried loudly.

Her good friend laughed at her. "What a poor banana peel! Stepped by our dear Ayu." Jen followed this with more annoying laugh.

Ayu gave her a stern look. "You."

Hanz walked back to her and offered his hand. "Get up."

"Oh." Ayu looked at him and took his hand. "Thank you."

She could have stood up by herself but Hanz offered his hand. She was left with no choice. It made her more embarrassed. Not because she slipped but because she had to take his hand. Ayu has been noticing his attentiveness. She does not like the fact that there is someone who can see her every move. It is unnerving.

They continued walking up to the mangrove forest. There were little crabs, shrimp, and small fish on the water. They all were amazed by these. The nature truly has its own way of capturing someone's heart. A little farther up ahead the water would go high up their waste so they settled to where they can safely plant the small trees.

Ayu remembered her parents while planting. They met because of the ayu river fish. It was summer in Kyoto and they were both traveling in Japan. Her mother got curious about the ayu-shaped confection that they call ayugashi in the festival. She asked around about its story and that is when she met her father. It is one of the beautiful stories she knew about them and keep it to heart. How can two beautiful people who has that kind of love story would end up untying the knot? She cannot comprehend them. Even if she does, she will not.

Her heart ached of the thought of them apart. No love.

The wind blew hard. They all neighed. "Ohhhhhh."

Ayu's white hat suddenly flew and landed not far from Gary. Gary looked at her and winked.

"Yep, mine." Ayu asked for her hat.

Gary walked over to her and was going to give it back. He was going to put it in her head but took it back. "I think I need this more than you do." He said. He was walking away when Ayu jumped at his back.

"Give it." She roared.

They were teasing each other until the people around them joined in the fun. Now the area became muddy. Ayu and Gary fell backwards. They all got carried away. Ned took a palm of mud and hit Hanz' chest of it.

Jen did the same. She took two palms full of mud and put each at Gary and Ayu's face while they were half lying down in the mud. Both ran after her when they stood up.

They were all running awayand chasing each other like little kids. Their loud laugh sincere and can make aspectator's heart easily melt. Their clothes soaked of part fresh, part saltywater with the traces of mud. But like little kids, they were happy andsatisfied of the moment. They were happy of being part of something.

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