CHAPTER 10 - The First Date

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10 a.m.

They were walking down 9th avenue to High Street. He's wearing a polo shirt this time. Still, white. His hair was curly and made him look easygoing.

"Brunch?" He politely asked Ayu.

She is still a little suspicious.

"Yes. I only had coffee this morning and some biscuits. Figaro is on High Street. I want to eat more carbs." That is her, a lady who knows what she wants.

At the café, Ayu looked around. It has been a while. Her mind wanders from her parents to Pam and herself. She made a long sigh and forgot who she was with at the moment. It is discouraging to think about her old self, and the thought of seeing her parents is even more depressing. Unconsciously, she raised both her arms to a stretch.

She heard someone chuckle. Then, there he was, looking at her intently. The corner of his lips curled up a little.

Ayu felt a little embarrassed.

He nodded as if agreeing to something. His lips still curled up.

"Just enjoying my morning." She said in defense.

"Obviously." Hanz still is eyeing her intently. When he sensed the awkwardness, he looked away.

There were many instances when she needed to strike a conversation with the opposite gender but she never had any problems. But this guy makes her head spin.

She had to quiet her heart while watching people pass by. Some were with their four-legged fury balls, some with their kids running around, others are walking dangerously face-down on digital screens.

She was in deep thought like early this morning. Suddenly, she heard the cafe door. The waiter has two platters of food, two cups, and cutleries. She clapped her hand in happiness. At last, food. Her stomach growled.

"Hmn..." She sniffed the plate. White rice, sausage, egg, salad, and hot chocolate all activated her senses. She was never picky. She eats when it is time to eat. But she saw the egg and remembered her dairy allergy.

"You are happy." He stated while watching her pick up her food.

Ayu forgot in a moment that she was with someone. She scratched her nose with her curled forefinger.

Again, he half-smiled at her. His eyes are kind and dazzling.

"Where are you going next?" He asked.

She looked back. "Fullybook. Up ahead. It should be open after we eat. I placed an order last week when I came here and it's available today. Something I can use on our trip."

"Lovely idea. Do you have old ones I am free to borrow? Saw your shelf the other day." He said with deep eyes.

"Ah, yeah." He must like reading as well. That made her curious about him. But she does not want to be nosy, so she holds back the questions.

It is better to have your nose in a book than in someone else's business. But you will know a man's intellect based on the books he reads. The struggle.

When they arrived at the bookstore, two security guards greeted them with smiles. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Both greeted them back.

Once inside, Ayu's heart leaped. Books are always her quiet company during travel.

"Would you like to look around? I'll find you in a bit."

"Of course." He said and left her in the information booth.

"Hi. I'm here to pick up a book." She told the attendant.

"Yes." Then, the attendant asked for a few details.

She was sitting in one of the cream-padded sofas on the second floor while reading John Grisham's book that was released in 2019. Hanz must have seen her happiness. He approached her from behind, placed both his hands on her shoulders got her startled. He peeked at the book she was reading. His face was too close to hers.

"Is that the one you ordered?" His hands were still in her shoulders. His scent is light and woody.

Is he flirting with me? Hold yourself back, my heart. She convinced herself. What the hell happened to this guy in one night? That was all in Ayu's mind.

"Yeah. I could not help myself. I was only reading the jacket and I got curious." Then, she stood up so he would take his hands away from her shoulder.

"I can see that." He looks at the open leaf of the book. Page 20.

He smiled at her, so she did too. "How about we go around?" He suggested kindly. She agreed and put the book back inside the paper bag. "I will carry that for you." He grabbed the handle of the bag from her.

She obliged. "Thank you."

In the bookstore, they moved like clockwork. Hanz stayed in Ayu's eyesight. Aside from Gary, no other guy dared to stay with her inside a bookstore. Well, she never really spent time with guys except when he was with Benjie back in her college days. She also never entertained guys at work.

Ayu lived alone growing up. It is not that her parents neglected her before the accident that almost cost her her life. They move around a lot. They provided every material thing she needed. When she started to remember her childhood, all she has was the faces of her two childhood friends.

Jen and Gary's parents spent more time with her than her parents. There were cases of Jen and Gary sleeping at her home, but most memories have no mom and dad to call on. The only exception was when she almost died so her parents stayed with her for a month.

She was thinking about many memories while staring at many compact discs when Hanz came close. He put a headset on her. And she eyed him questioningly. Hanz put his right forefinger between his lips and pointed at his ears.

She nodded and stayed quiet. He played a song.


Girl you just caught my eye

Thought I should give it try

And get your name and your number

Go grab some lunch..."

Why is he playing Jay-Ar Aquino's song? She might be overthinking. Hanz today was different from the guy she met the previous night. 

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