CHAPTER 8 - Budding Friendship

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Three days have passed. Jen and Gary are finishing off documents in their companies so they could go on vacation and volunteer. A little after lunchtime, Jen called Ayu for a meet-up with the two handsome guys they met on the weekend.

"Ayu, I invited them over to your place," Jen told her straight away.

"What?!" Ayu exclaimed. "Wha...Why?" She did not hide her dissatisfaction with the sudden get together at her den. "We can get a snack outside, you know."

"Ayu...." Jen has always been decisive, but she forgets that they are not kids anymore.

"Will Gary come?" Ayu asked as if giving in to her friend's crazy plan.

"He will be late tonight. He has to work overtime so he could finish off reports before we leave." Jen explained.

"You crazy girl!" Ayu raised her voice. "First, you invited two strangers. Second, you knew Gary will come late." Ayu's heart raced. "Wait until I see you!"

"Alright! Alright! Sorry babe." Jen answered her but paused for a little. "I had to..." She now realized how bad the decision she just made. Jen slapped her mouth.

Jen heard a big sigh from Ayu's end of the line.

"Okay. I could not do anything about it now. Just make sure Gary comes." Ayu tried to calm herself.

Jen feels sad about her action, but she could not hide her excitement when Ayu agreed. "Great! I will send Ned another message."

On the other side, Ayu just hit her forehead as if she regrets her decision. Reckless, she thought. She has traveled to places and met a lot of people. Trusting someone as soon as you know them may not always bring a good result. But it has been decided. She can only take precautions.

"Eat dinner here. I will cook something for you." Ayu pushed her mind to be understanding.

"Cool! Thank you, my love." Jen said excitedly for the event. Ayu would have mistaken her excitement to see her if it were not for Ned. She shook her head while smiling at the thought.

8 pm

Someone knocked at the door while Ayu was still in her bedroom. She heard Jen's voice urging someone.

"Come in! Ayu will come out in a bit." Jen's voice too friendly. "House slippers in that white cabinet."

"Hi!" Ayu greeted, coming out of the bedroom.

"Hello there," Ned said with a bright face. Hanz nods at her with a straight face.

Ayu tensed up.

"Coffee?" Jen stopped her heart's racing beat. "Black with no sugar for Ayu. What about you two?"

Ayu was sure she already has a list to ask Ned.

"Black and sweetened for us two. Thank you," Ned answered Jen and turned to Hanz. His friend nodded.

"Oh! Men who like sweets," Jen commented.

She has this playful period. She looked at Ayu and winked. Whatever she means about that has nothing to do with her vacation plan, she thought.

"You got a big place here," Ned said, observing the flat.

"Oh, this is not mine. It's Ayus'. I'm just a friend taking advantage of her good fortune." Jen was blabbering again while making coffee.

Ayu just shook her head. "It's my parents." She said in defense. "By the way, Gary will be here in a bit." She mentioned Gary so the guests would know a guy will come over for both the girls. Half a guy, she meant, but they did not know that. Yet.

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