CHAPTER 9 - An invitation

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"That must be Gary. I will get it." Ayu opened the door. Gary pulled her to cling like they have not seen each other last weekend.

"Uh. Hi to you too." She hugged him back. "Is everything okay?" She heard his loud sigh, but he is still all smiles. What could it be?

"I just need a warm hug and I missed you!" When he let go of Ayu, she saw the guest's curious eyes. Hanz especially gave him a look.

Gary immediately greeted the guests and took a seat. Ayu made a side trip to the pantry.

Jen gave Gary a quick intro on what was happening, "We were talking about Ayu's work when you came in."

"You mean bragging?" Ayu said trying to lighten the mood and came over with a platter of cookies.

"I'm sorry I'm a little late," Gary said apologetically. He has that positive vibe that he brings wherever he goes. That is something Ayu always love about him.

"Just to continue on our bragging, our handsome Gary here is an awesome engineer that works in IT." Ayu looked at Gary and moved her eyebrows as if giving him approval.

Gary winked at her in return.

Ayu felt at ease now. All anxiousness gone brought by her crazy girlfriend's idea of inviting over strangers. She rolled her eyes but only in her head.

They planned their volunteer route that night.

"Gary will help us settle on the area since he has the contacts" Jen said summarizing everything they planned.

"Great plan. Cannot wait to go. " Ned's voice was full of excitement.

"And you can still do your marine check, right?" Hanz directed at Ayu.

She nodded. Yes, he was paying attention. The more he does that the more her heartthrobs in an odd beat. This was not the only time a guy paid attention to her but why does it feel different this time around? She does not like it. Again, she ignored it.


"I will hand over to you the rest of the manual and reports before the end of the day. Please make sure to check all of it before Saturday. I can't help you on most days because of the bad reception." Gary was giving orders to his next in line at work. "Most reports are automated and so you only need to fill in the data needed every day."

In the office, it is impossible to hide his handsomeness. He was donned of white office barong, washed green pants, and brown leather shoes. He has 30 years old sleek look. Any woman would not hesitate to look twice at him. It's just that he's not interested in girls.

He was on a group chat with Jen and Ayu.

Gary: Ayu, babe. How long are you planning to stay?

Jen: Yeah.

Ayu: As long as you want.

Gary: Silly! Do you know that we only have 14 days P.A.I.D. vacation leave every year, right?

Ayu: I know. :D And I also happen to know that you guys would stretch it to be with me.

Jen: You must be crazy.

Gary: 1 and a half month. Max. I might die of starvation if I don't work. I have free loaders at home to feed.

Ayu: Haha. I love you both! In return, I promise to be ever so loving.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Ayu tossed and turned in her bed. She sent text messages to both her friends hoping they are up already. No reply. She changed from pajamas to a shirt and shorts.

After 40 minutes, she was dripping in sweat when she saw a familiar back. It is him. She did not know why but on normal days she would not talk to anyone during her morning self-check activities. This was one of those days when her body does not sync to her brain. She woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"You're up early!" She catches up to him.

"I usually am." A man of few words.

"Oh, so you jog every morning?" Trying her luck to spark a conversation.

He looked at her in the eye and slowed down a bit. She did slow down her phase too, but her heart doesn't seem to notice the change. She can feel every beat and it's getting louder every second. She looked away.

"Not every morning but I jog whenever possible." That was the longest line she heard from him. "I saw you in the pool in the previous days."

That made Ayu think. "Really? I have not noticed you."

He smiled again. Ayu's heart turned on red alert. What could have changed him? She quickly thought of the previous night when he looked at her with a straight face.

"I have been running for a while now. I'll go back first." She made an excuse because her heart is about to burst out of her chest. His smile was dangerous.

Ayu was deep in her thought on the way to the elevator when she heard his voice.

"Anything on your list today?" Nothing changed in Hanz's look but he seems different.

"Uh, yeah. Be outside. You?" She doesn't mean to ask. Not that she's interested.

"I'd like to accompany you."

That was smooth Hanz. Then, gave him a nod.

"Time?" He followed up.

"10. Where's Ned?"

"Still out. Meet you here in the lobby by 10." Hanz quickly told her not bothered by Ayu's surprised reaction.

"Yes." Then Ayu got off the lift.

She was still digestingeverything that was happening when she realized he let her off the lift first,but his unit is two floors below. Was it intentional?

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