CHAPTER 6 - Nice To Meet You Again

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Ayu wished Pam would arrive as soon as possible. She was checking her email while enjoying a cup of hot coffee. Her assistant sent tons of mail and has tried to contact her. Ayu sighed loudly. To be bugged by Ayu's family is not a small thing. Ayu has not made contact with any of them.

How can Ayu answer the phone when she does not have the courage to face her parents? Ayu doesn't admit it but deep down, she blames herself for her parents' marriage problem. Her parents argued non-stop after her car accident years ago.

11 am

Ayu was writing a list of things to buy from the grocery when Gary hugged her shoulder.

"Breakfast?" Gary asked Ayu with a grin.

"No breakfast for you." Ayu was trying to don a very serious face when Gary gave her a kiss in the cheek. "Gross! You have not even washed your face and you smell!" She tried to push him away and immediately pointed out the coffee maker. "Bread and sausage in the sink. Help yourself."

"You're the best!" Gary was going to hug Ayu again. Ayu saw this so she docked. "I just missed you girl." Gary said in defense.

"Whatever! Go eat." Ayu ordered Gary. Jen suddenly appeared below Ayu hugging her right leg. "What is wrong with you two?" Ayu tried to shake Jen off her leg.

"It's been a long day without you, my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again. We've come a long way from where we began. I'll tell you all about it when I see you again. When I see you again," Jen sang a song while still hugging Ayu's leg and as if wailing.

"There we go again. Alright, alright. Whiz Khalifa will not serve you breakfast. Come with me to the grocery, okay?" Ayu asked them both.

"Aye." Jen and Gary answered in chorus but still sounds sluggish.

1230 pm

The trio entered the supermarket in SM Aura. Then, Gary tugged Ayu's arm and got Jen's attention. "Was that the guy from the restaurant last night?" Gary raised his finger.

"What guy?" Ayu looked at the direction of his eyesight. "Gary. Did you meet someone while I was half asleep in the restaurant?"

"No! The guy who gave you back your fork. Silly!" Gary pulled Ayu's ponytail.

"Ouch! Why do you keep doing that?!" Ayu chuckled and looked at Gary with sharp eyes.

"Oops! Sorry, I just missed teasing you." Gary gave Ayu a pleading look. "Don't be mad." He touched her chin and directed Ayu to look at the fork-guy. "The guy in the white shirt and black shorts close to the bread section. He's talking to someone. See him?"

"Hmn. Yeah." Ayu rolled her eyes at him. "Let's go buy food now." She added indifferently.

After some time, they reached the counter and in line to pay for their cartful of food.

"Girls, I need to grab something." Ayu and Jen nodded at him. Gary swiftly walked out of their sight.

"Hi." A modulated voice came from behind. His smile welcoming. His hair crew cut and taper fade.

"Hello." Jen answered equally welcoming.

"We only have 3 pieces of items to buy and there's a long line in the small basket counter. Do you mind if I include this in your cart? I'll pay you cash." The guy asked them. His eyes darted from Jen to Ayu.

"We don't mind. Give me that." Jen grabbed the items and introduced themselves.

"I'm Ned and this is my best friend Hanz." Ned shook Jen's hand and turned to Ayu. Then, he pointed to his buddy next to him. Hanz was the guy that Gary mentioned earlier. Gary should be elated once he seen these two.

"So...are you guys native here?" Ned asked Jen.

"Ah, yes. Born and raised in Manila." Jen nodded and blabbered about more.

Ayu scanned the aisle for Gary without leaving the counter. They should be next in a few minutes.

Gary was just a few steps away from the girls when his eyes fell to the guys beside his two childhood girlfriends. Gary looked at Ayu with eyes wide open and pointed to Hanz.

Ayu threw Gary an annoyed look. This guy has a hidden agenda, she thought. Then, Gary loudly said hi to the new acquaintance.

"Where are you all headed to? We can give you a hand with all the bags." Ned offered.

"Just nearby. In Trion Towers." Jen enthusiastically answered Ned.

"Cool. We are renting out a place there. Let me help you with those bags." Ned said to Jen and turned to his friend. "Dude, what are you doing?" As if he does not care, Hanz took two bags that Ayu was carrying. He gave Ayu an intent look.

What was that all about? Ayu asked herself.

"Looks like you're going to pig out with all this grocery." Ned laughed out pointing to the bags they were all carrying.

Ayu smiled at him and said, "Yeah. We will cook tonight. We have a master cook in the house." Ayu nudged Gary.

"What master are you saying? I'm just a humble servant of our dear Ayu hear." Gary proudly said and at the same time put his right arm around Ayu's shoulder.

"Tshh..." Ayu sneered and rolled her eyes at him. She thought Gary was planning something.

"Girl, why don't we..." Before Jen could say anything else. Ayu immediately shook off Gary's arm around her shoulder, covered Jen's mouth with her free palm, and glared at her.

Jen gave her back a glare. Ayu wished Gary would not say anything else.

It was a relief when Hanz said something else. "Bud, we are hanging out at Uptown tonight." It was as if he could read Ayu's mind.

"We will with the other guys at the volunteer camp." Ned answered him. "So, if you all got bored, just hang out with us in Uptown, in front of Denny's with the people we met last week."

"We will consider it." Ayu looked at her palm. She brushed off the sweat and saliva to her blue skirt. "What camp are you guys saying?" She added.

Ned smiled at her curiosity. "There is this volunteer camp we went to up North of Luzon and we helped out a group distribute some cash and goods to the natives. We hiked up for 5 hours. It was exhausting but fulfilling. Everyone was happy to see the natives faces. The head of the families were accommodating, and the kids are lively." Ned explained about their experience, and Ayu got hooked immediately.

"That sounds interesting!" Ayu was not planning to invite them over, but she thought that she could discuss it with Jen and Gary.

Jen saw Ayu's enthusiasm. "You know, Gary also is involved in that kind of activity. Ayu and I are also joining him in the next weeks. A good time to use her vacation here in Manila. How about we get your number so we could talk about it and invite you guys on the trip?

Gary said, "Yeah." He wanted to say more but let it go.

Ayu nodded eagerly to findout more. She looked at Hanz and she felt embarrassed. Their eyes met. 

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