CHAPTER 16 - The Couple's Love Story

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The White House, La Playa de Alberto

The vacation house is painted white and gray. A wooden swing for two seats at the side of the house. The porch is protected beautifully with green vines, a few potted oregano, lemon grass, and blooming pink bougainvillea. It is a simple house but could pique anyone's interest.

Inside, the vacation house does not disappoint. A few big-sized cream pillows adorned the large wooden chairs made of driftwood. The ceiling-to-floor white curtains are equally inviting.

The whole area housed seven small bedrooms and each with its bathroom. The boys occupy the rooms on the ground floor. Ayu and Jen both rest on the second.

Jen burst inside Ayu's room and panting. "You have to come out now."

"Manners!" Ayu is pissed. She had just taken off her shirt and was getting ready for a bath. "Knock. Would you?!"

Jen gave her a silly grin, raised her right hand, and made a peace sign with her two fingers. She walked over to Ayu's cabinet, took a shirt, and threw it at her friend's face.

"Come now!" Jen urged and walked to the door.

"What could be more important than getting a bath at this moment?! I stink!" Ayu protested but still wore the shirt thrown at her.

Jen could not wait anymore. She walked back inside the room and grabbed Ayu's hand. "Come! You will thank me later!"

"Alright. Alright. I am coming." What a waste of breath fighting a bull.

Downstairs, the men huddled over a bucket of water with something that caught their interest.

"Look at those limbs! They're huge!" Gary exclaimed while looking inside the bucket.

"See now?!" Jen asked Ayu. She pushed aside the guys to give them some space.

"Did we get that from the market?" Ayu asked her girlfriend. Clearly, not amazed but curious.

"No! This one came from the fisherman on the other side of the village. Mang Ben brought it home early this morning when we were out. Poor octopus. And dinner is settled!" Gary answered Ayu instead and smiled gleefully.

"Oh!" Ayu could say no more. She has seen many common octopuses, and this was not the largest. Who would not if you spent many hours under the saltwater in the past six years? Ayu still smiled looking at how amazed her friends are. This kind of astonishment gave out the inner kid inside them.

During dinner, Gary kept teasing Ayu. They are like little kids throwing tiny decorative stones at each other.

"Quit it!" Jen kept telling them. She is half done with her seafood meal. "Argh! These kids!" Jen rumbled.

Mang Ben, the house custodian, brought them chamomile and peppermint tea requested by Ayu.

"Felt like a decade the last I saw you three." Mang Ben told Ayu and looked at Gary and Jen.

Ayu smiled at Mang Ben. "Eight years."

"Quite a long time. You never missed a summer here when you were kids. Now you are all grown up making me feel old." He awkwardly scratched his head and smiled.

It has been a while since Mang Ben had guests to take care of. Everyone laughed and Mang Ben walked off after a few more welcoming words. He has been taking care of the place even before Ayu's mother got hold of the vacation house.

Ayu's mother, Katherine, met an old couple during her visit to the village. They were both 70 years old, not blessed with children, but were happy. The village kids were enough to fill the void, the couple told Katherine. This fact moved Katherine, so she kept in touch with them. She exchanged letters with the couples even when Katherine traveled in and outside the Philippines. Katherine, then, became a precious daughter and friend to the couple. In the end, the house was left to her care.

Mang Ben also knew how precious Katherine was to the old couple so he never hesitated to take care of Katherine's family whenever they visit. He openly welcomes them and serves them with the same respect he has for the old couple.

"Mang Ben still looks strong. Don't you think? I wonder how old he is now." Jen told her childhood friends.

Ayu and Gary nodded.

Gary told them the story. Hanz and Ned were astonished and quiet the whole time.

"What a love story!" Ned exclaimed. "Do you think, this house would also bless any couples who would live here?" He curiously asked the group.

"Hmn." Jen raised her head and put down her tea. "That could be true. You know there are a lot of good and heart-warming stories like that in provincial areas like this." Jen added in answer to Ned's.

Ayu pondered about it for a few seconds. How could it be? Her parents took over the house. If it's true, why are they breaking off their marriage? In the process of it. Heart-warming stories like that remain as... as stories. She rolled her eyes at the thought. Only she knows about her sarcasm.

Hanz was listening intently to Gary. He, too, believed that there are still people in the world who could be devoted as the old couple. Temptation holds the world in its hand. But there are still few with innocent heart who survives the tragic life of deception and lies. He suddenly missed his parents and grandparents.

He looked at Ayu.

Ayu's lips raised a little. Her eyes glistened. 

What could be in her mind? He could only think of many possibilities.

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