Chapter 17 - Puzzles

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"How long will you stay here in the Philippines?" Hanz walked over to Ayu. He saw her squat over a small green-dyed banig in front of the white house, throwing pebbles, and with her naked feet playing with the beach sand.

Ayu raised her eyebrow. She saw him watching her from the porch before he walked over. "Will you stop noticing me if I tell you that I will fly out soon?" She was not a little kid anymore and he knows that Hanz has been keeping eyes on her since their sudden breakfast date.

This gave Hanz a bad feeling. Ayu was straightforward. Too straightforward. Why would he expect her to be gentle? They had just known each other for a few days. Well, for Ayu, yes. But Hanz knew her for a while now including all her accomplishments. That counts, should it not? This annoyed him.

Hanz wanted to tell her about the airport meeting and the other occasions but decided to do it later.

"You are in a bad mood." Hanz stood beside Ayu.

It took some time before she offered him a space to sit in the banig.

"Sorry... That was rude of me." Ayu told him. She was also perplexed by her reaction.

Hanz saw her scoot, so he removed his slippers and squatted beside Ayu.

They remained silent.

The sun was magnificently setting. The cloudless blue sky turned bright red and orange. The sound of the soft waves, the children playing along the beach, and the bangkero preparing the fish nets are all mesmerizing. Hanz remembered where he grew up. In the countryof many islands.

The sunsets.

"I saw a local shop not far from here and it looks like a bookstore. Did you know that?" Hanz asked her to break the silence. He doesn't like the fact that he knows nothing personal about Ayu. The thought made him uncomfortable. As to why he will deal with it later. He needs to make a move.

"Uh..." Ayu was puzzled by the question. "Bookstore?" Who would profit from a small bookstore in this small village? She thought of the few big families in the village, but she wasn't sure who would put up a bookstore in this area.

Hanz looked at her. "Let's check it out! We still have time before dinner." Hanz suggested.

"I... yeah." Hanz was helping her up, but Ayu flinched.

Hanz saw this so he immediately let go of her arm.

They walked a few houses back to the main road. After a little while, they heard joyous cheers from many young men. There is an ongoing community basketball match. Ayu stopped when she saw the team playing. Hanz followed suit.

Gary, Jen, and Ned were also on the other side of the court. They were cheering loudly. Engrossed in the play.

The cheer was intense. Hanz moved closer to Ayu and uttered a few words to her ears. "Look, on the other side." His voice was clear, light, and pleasant despite the loud noise. This made Ayu stand still as if his voice casted a spell on her. She remained still but her eyes darted to the other side of the court. Her friends are oblivious to them.

Hanz saw her unmoved. He waved his hand in front of Ayu's face. "You okay?" This time Ayu fought the spell. It has been a while since she got this close to a man. That was probably why she was irritated by Hanz paying attention to her. She thought.

Ayu looked at him and nodded. She glanced back at her friends and tried to catch their attention. Nothing.

Hanz tried to whisper again to her ears. "Let's just see them after going to the bookstore."

Ayu thought of the situation. Yeah, they better get going first.

They reached the bookstore. It was a small 2-story building that looks like a house. A wood hanging at the entrance door has two words written on it. Book Stop.

To their surprise, it was not a bookstore but a library for the whole village.

The ground floor has shelves of children's books, desks, and chairs for reading. The far-right corner occupies half a dozen computers. Close to the stairs was a concierge desk.

A lady dressed in a black t-shirt and blue jeans greeted them. Hanz and Ayu were asked to sign their names before they could go venture further. They went up to the second floor to see more of the library.

The librarian told them many stories and how a bookstore exists in an old village. The real hosts are named Katherine and Kris. No other than Ayu's parents.

"I take it you did not know about this?" Hanz looked at Ayu bemused by the thought.

Ayu could only nod. When was her last visit here that she did not know about the library?

On their way back to the vacation house, the local people get louder every second. The basketball match is over but a village-wide dance party is about to start. Young adults are clapping in excitement while the sound system is being put in place.

"Mayad na bangi saindo gabos." A middle-aged man greeted his fellow villagers over the mic as he invited everyone to have fun on the basketball court now turned dancefloor. Everyone cheered in happiness. They gathered in the middle as the speaker sound off a Tagalog song.


Ayu and Hanz are equally startled by the commotion. They are both happy as if a discovery will save the world. They looked at each other and laughed.

"I do not understand the song, but my feet can. Will you dance with me?" Hanz stretched out his hand to Ayu.

"Are you sure?" Ayu was looking at the crowd when she asked this. Fun is the only word she can think of.

Both were panting and laughing at the same time when they ran to the vacation house later that night. Ned and Jen were on the porch and holding San Miguel Pilsen.

"Beer night, huh? Where is Gary?" Ayu asked them both.

"Dozing off," Jen answered. She is already tipsy from all the laughing she made from Ned's joke. The beer is just a booster.

Ned stood up and gave both a beer.

The night continued with laughter and more story. Neither of them knew what is coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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